We build a pipeline which scrape news from internet related to some event like labor strike, fire plant and flood and then apply some sophisticated Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Generative AI in order to detect some relevant news that can impact Supplier Chain. To be accurate about classifying a collected news as relevant or not, we extract some information and match those informations to a supplier database. This image below describe the whole pipeline we put in place
We have to branch :
- Master : This branch work on GCP
- Dataiku : This branch is a dataiku version. Threre are some differences between the two branch. For exemple, requests are made to get access to Gemini, which is not the case when we are already on GCP
git clone --branch test --single-branch https://github.com/dahsie/media-screening.git
git clone --branch dataiku --single-branch https://github.com/dahsie/media-screening.git
git clone --branch master --single-branch https://github.com/dahsie/media-screening.git
In this part, we translate each keywords to some languages, depending on the list of language code we have in our disposal.
dict_config = {}
dict_config['strike_keywords'] = ['strike', 'picket line', 'employee protest']
dict_config['country_lang'] = [
{'country': 'BE','lang': ['fr']}, # Belgium
{'country': 'CH','lang': ['fr', 'de', 'it']}, # Searching news with differentes languge in the same country where threre are several official language
{'country': 'BG','lang': ['bg']}, # Bulgaria
{'country': 'BR','lang': ['pt']}
# RAG configuration
dict_config['rag_cong'] = {'vertexai_llm': 'gemini-1.5-flash',
'vertexai_embedding_name': 'models/text-embedding-004',
'chunk_size': 2000, 'chunk_overlap': 10, 'max_doc': 5, 'retry': 1}
# List of non desirable sectors
dict_config["sectors_to_discard"] = sectors_to_discard.SECTORS_TO_DISCARD # Or spécify a liste of sectors you want to discard
dict_config["decision_function_args"] = {
'sectors_to_discard': sectors_to_discard.SECTORS_TO_DISCARD, # Or spécify a liste of sectors you want to discard
'desirable_temporalities' : ['upcoming', 'ongoing', 'unknown'] # for the labor strike, we discard ended and avoided strike
We can save the first dict whithin a file and we can use it later
initial_config_file ="../config/initial_config_file.json"
with open(initial_config_file, 'w') as file :
json.dump(dict_config, file, indent = 4)
All keyword in the initial configuartion file will be translated into each language using the language code. Also, each language code and country code should be valiadated. A configuration object will be use for that purpose.
from media.src.confiration.configuration import Configuration
initial_config_file = "../config/initial_config_file.json"
final_config_file = "../config/final_config_file.json"
config = Configuration( initial_config_file = initial_config_file, final_config_file = final_config_file)
The final configuration file can be save for further usage. So we do not have to generate it every time.
We have to ways of collecting news. We utilise both :
- News API, Commercial API for getting news with a specifique keywords. However the API is very limited and can catch an limited number of news.
- GoogleScraper, A algorirgme we designed for news collected. It lean on Google News RSS. We use Selenium a python librairie for scraping a dynamic website.
import dataiku
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from dataiku import pandasutils as pdu
import math
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
from media.src.utils.utils import read_dataiku_json
from media.src.scraping.newscollector import NewsCollector
from media.src.scraping.googlescraper import GoogleScraper
from media.src.utils.utils import read_dataiku_json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from media.src.utils.utils import write_logger_file
end_date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
start_date = (datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d').date() - timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
today = datetime.now()
yesterday_start = (today - timedelta(days=1)).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
yesterday_end = (today - timedelta(days=1)).replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0)
#Reading the final configuration we have generate before
config = read_dataiku_json(folder_name ='configuration_files', file_name='final_config_file.json')
#index = math.ceil(len(config['country_lang'])/3)
googlescraper = GoogleScraper(start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date)
#NewsCollector use a GoogleScrapper object to iterate through the list of countries where we want to collect news.
google_collector = NewsCollector(config=config['country_lang'], scraper=googlescraper,path_to_save=None)
df = google_collector.collect_news()
if df is None or df.empty:
df = pd.DataFrame({
"dates" :[],
"lang": [],
# Write recipe outputs
fire_data = dataiku.Dataset("googlescraper_strike1")
#Writhing log for debug purpose
write_logger_file(logger_folder_name = 'googlescraper_strike_log', log_file_name = google_collector.logfile_path, final_log_name="googlescraper_strike1.log")
import dataiku
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from media.src.scraping.newsapiscraper import NewsApiScraper
from media.src.scraping.newscollector import NewsCollector
from media.src.utils.utils import get_api_key
from media.src.utils.utils import read_dataiku_json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from media.src.utils.utils import write_logger_file
config = read_dataiku_json(folder_name ='configuration_files', file_name='final_config_file.json')
today = datetime.now()
yesterday_start = (today - timedelta(days=1)).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
yesterday_end = (today - timedelta(days=1)).replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0)
start_date = yesterday_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
end_date = yesterday_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
NEWS_API_KEY = get_api_key("NEWS_API_KEY")
scrapper = NewsApiScraper(api_key= NEWS_API_KEY , start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date)
collector = NewsCollector(config=config['country_lang'], scraper=scrapper,path_to_save=None)
df = collector.collect_news()
# Write recipe outputs
strike_data = dataiku.Dataset("strike_news")
write_logger_file(logger_folder_name = 'news_api_strike_log', log_file_name = collector.logfile_path, final_log_name="strike_news.log")
News are collected in parallel via News API and GoogleScrapper. If one solution are down the other one remain while finding out what cause the crash. If there all work, we get more news buy concatenating there results.
import dataiku
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Read recipe inputs
news_api_strike = dataiku.Dataset("strike_news")
news_api_strike_df = news_api_strike.get_dataframe()
googlescraper_strike1 = dataiku.Dataset("googlescraper_strike1")
googlescraper_strike1_df = googlescraper_strike1.get_dataframe()
news_df = pd.concat([googlescraper_strike1_df, news_api_strike_df])
news_df.dropna(inplace= True)
# filter data base on date
today = datetime.now()
yesterday_start = (today - timedelta(days=1)).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
yesterday_end = (today - timedelta(days=1)).replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=0)
start_date = yesterday_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
end_date = yesterday_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
news_df = news_df[(news_df['dates'] <= end_date) & (news_df['dates'] >= start_date)]
# Write recipe outputs
news = dataiku.Dataset("news")
We translate all collected news into english. We have to possibilties : either we translate all the text into a single language (e.g. english) or we use a multilanguage model for the remaing processing we want to apply. We choose the first solution.
import dataiku
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
from dataiku import pandasutils as pdu
from media.src.utils.utils import get_api_key
#from media.src.translation.dataikugoogletranslation import DataikuGoogleTranslate
from media.src.translation.dataikugoogletranslation_copy import DataikuGoogleTranslate
from media.src.utils.utils import read_dataiku_json
from media.src.utils.utils import write_logger_file
# Read recipe inputs
# Dataset news_ renamed to news by p126399 on 2024-09-10 16:08:32
googlescraper_strike_stacked = dataiku.Dataset("news")
googlescraper_strike_stacked_df = googlescraper_strike_stacked.get_dataframe()
df = googlescraper_strike_stacked_df # For this sample code, simply copy input to output
# cleaning NAN
#Dropping duplicates
df = (df.drop_duplicates(subset=['titles'])).sort_index()
df = (df.drop_duplicates(subset=['texts'])).sort_index()
df = (df.drop_duplicates(subset=['links'])).sort_index()
# Resetting the index
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
GOOGLE_API_KEY = get_api_key(name ="GOOGLE_API_KEY")
# For translation purposes, one may encounter some issues with the number of tokens sent in each request.
# This number of tokens depends on the language. 6000 tokens is the default value.
config = read_dataiku_json(folder_name ='configuration_files', file_name='final_config_file.json')
translation = DataikuGoogleTranslate(api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY)
trans_df = translation.translation(df, language_limits=config["language_limits"])
#Dropping duplicates
trans_df = (trans_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['titles'])).sort_index()
trans_df = (trans_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['texts'])).sort_index()
trans_df = (trans_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['links'])).sort_index()
# Resetting the index
trans_df = trans_df.reset_index(drop=True)
# a bit cleaning
if len(trans_df) == 0 :
trans_df = None
else :
trans_df = trans_df[trans_df['translated_title'].str.count('\s+').ge(3)] #keep only titles having more than 4 spaces in the title
trans_df = trans_df[trans_df['translated_text'].str.count('\s+').ge(20)] #keep only titles having more than 20 spaces in the body
trans_df = (trans_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['translated_title'])).sort_index()
trans_df = (trans_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['translated_text'])).sort_index()
trans_df = (trans_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['links'])).sort_index()
trans_df = trans_df.reset_index(drop=True)
if len(trans_df) == 0 :
trans_df = None
# Write recipe outputs
dataset = dataiku.Dataset("translated_data")
write_logger_file(logger_folder_name = 'strike_translation_log', log_file_name = translation.logfile_path, final_log_name="strike_translation_log.log")
After translating the collected news and dropping duplications base on the text, title and link, there are also some very similar news. We want to cluster the news before extracting information on the each cluster. So we compute the embedding of each text and then apply the hierarchical clustering technique. The image below descibe the clustering process :
import dataiku
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from dataiku import pandasutils as pdu
from media.src.embeddings.dataikugoogleembeddings import DataikuGoogleEmbeddings
from media.src.clustering.clustering import Clustering
from media.src.utils.utils import get_api_key
from media.src.utils.utils import write_logger_file
from media.src.utils.utils import copy_log_file
# Read recipe inputs
translated_data = dataiku.Dataset("translated_data")
trans_df = translated_data.get_dataframe()
texts = list(trans_df['translated_text'])
dataiu_embeddings = DataikuGoogleEmbeddings(google_api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY)
xtrain = dataiu_embeddings.embedded_data
model = Clustering(percentile=10, linkage='average', metric='cosine')
copy_log_file(dataiu_embeddings.logfile_path, model.logfile_path)
model.fit(xtrain, n=500)
ypred = model.predict(xtrain)
trans_df['class'] = ypred
trans_df = trans_df.rename(columns= {'links': 'url', 'dates': 'date'})
rag_data = trans_df[['date', 'cat', 'lang', 'url','translated_title', 'translated_text', 'class']]
rag_data = rag_data.fillna('')
# Write recipe outputs
rag_dataset = dataiku.Dataset("rag_dataset")
write_logger_file(logger_folder_name = 'strike_clustering_log', log_file_name = model.logfile_path, final_log_name="strike_clustering_log.log")
Clustering resulats :
We used the RAG technique in order to extract some information, for instance, companies names, their location (cities and countris where the strike is taking place), the activities sectors(this allow to know if their activities are related to automotive construction), the strike stutus(if the strike is ongoing, upcoming, ended or avoided because no interest for has if the strike is ended or avoider), the naure of the strike(labor strike in this exemple. This allows avoiding some other strike like hunger strike, etc.). All those information couple with the matching process allows us to classify a news as relevant or not.
We start RAG process by creating an indexing database or vectorstore as this image shows
After creating the vectorstore, the RAG process consist of two phases as the image below shows:
To improve information Retrieval process, we extract information iteratively as the iamge shows :
import dataiku
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from dataiku import pandasutils as pdu
from io import StringIO
from datetime import datetime
from media.src.rag.strike_rag import StrikeRAG
from media.src.utils.utils import get_api_key
from media.src.utils.utils import read_dataiku_json
from media.src.utils.utils import write_dataiku_json
from media.src.utils.utils import write_logger_file
#Getting google api key for generative model
# Read recipe inputs
rag_dataset = dataiku.Dataset("rag_dataset")
rag_dataset_df = rag_dataset.get_dataframe()
# Getting rag configuration
conf = read_dataiku_json(folder_name ='configuration_files', file_name='final_config_file_test.json')
# Instanciating StrikeRAG object
strike = StrikeRAG(google_api_key = GOOGLE_API_KEY, vertexai_llm= conf['rag_cong']['vertexai_llm'],
vertexai_embedding_name = conf['rag_cong']['vertexai_embedding_name'],
retry = conf['rag_cong']['retry'], # if some error happen during the processing of a group, we save the group label and we retry those labels.
max_doc = conf['rag_cong']['max_doc'], #The maximum number of documents(texts chunks) to retrieve as context
chunk_size = conf['rag_cong']['chunk_size'], #The chunk size
chunk_overlap = conf['rag_cong']['chunk_overlap']
#Save the result
current_date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
fname = f"strike_results_{current_date}.json"
write_dataiku_json(folder_name = "rag_output", file_name = fname, json_data = strike.all_results)
write_logger_file(logger_folder_name = 'strike_rag_log', log_file_name = strike.logfile_path, final_log_name="strike_rag_log.log")
After RAG,the processed articles are match with the suppliers dataset. This maching allow as to atteste that our sulier are impacted by a given event (e.g. strike in this enxemple). We have differente lavels of matching.
- level 1 : Only company names are matched without locations.
- level 2 : The companies names and countries, where the strike is takeing place, are matchedw
- level 3 : The companies names, countries and cities are matched
This matching level allow attesting if a plant in given location will potentially be affected.
import dataiku
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from media.src.matching.matching import Matching
from datetime import datetime
import json
from io import StringIO
from media.src.utils.utils import read_dataiku_json
from media.src.utils.utils import write_dataiku_json
from media.src.utils.utils import write_logger_file
# Read recipe inputs
current_date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
file_path = f"strike_results_{current_date}.json"
rag_json_oupout = read_dataiku_json(folder_name = "rag_output", file_name = file_path)
suppliers = dataiku.Dataset("suppliers")
suppliers_df = suppliers.get_dataframe()
matching = Matching()
r = matching.match(set_news = rag_json_oupout, dataframe=suppliers_df)
matching_result_path = f"matching_strike_results_{current_date}.json"
# Write recipe outputs
write_dataiku_json(folder_name = "matching_output", file_name = matching_result_path, json_data = matching.results)
write_logger_file(logger_folder_name = 'strike_matching_log', log_file_name = matching.logfile_path, final_log_name="strike_matching_log.log")
After matching, we filter out the relevant articles. We match first because, detected a company as a supplier is take into account when article is classifier as relevent or not. Also, during this filtering, use a function which classifier an article as relevant or not. This function take an article wich is a dictionary processed by the RAG(for retrieving information) and match with our supplier database. So if a new event like for exemple fire plant is treated, one will provide a fucntion that allow classifying a processed news(processed by RAG and matched) as relevant or not.
import dataiku
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from media.src.filtering.filtering import Filter
import json
from io import StringIO
from datetime import datetime
from media.src.decision_functions.strike_relevancy import strike_relevancy
from media.src.utils.utils import read_dataiku_json, write_dataiku_json
from media.src.utils.utils import write_logger_file
# Read recipe inputs
config_file_path = 'final_config_file.json'
conf = read_dataiku_json(folder_name = "configuration_files" , file_name = 'final_config_file.json')
current_date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
file_path = f"matching_strike_results_{current_date}.json"
matching_json_oupout = read_dataiku_json(folder_name = "matching_output" , file_name = file_path)
#Filter relevent news
filtre = Filter(empty_companie_name_index=[], decision_function= strike_relevancy, decision_function_args=conf["decision_function_args"], filename=None)
relevant, irrelevant = filtre.filtering( matching_json_oupout)
#Save the result
filtered_result_path = f"filter_strike_results_{current_date}.json"
write_dataiku_json(folder_name = "filtering_output", file_name = filtered_result_path, json_data = relevant)
write_logger_file(logger_folder_name = 'strike_filtering_log', log_file_name = filtre.logfile_path, final_log_name= "strike_filtering_log.log")
After Filtering out the relevant news, it can happened that we have a company name twice because we failed to group them during clustering. We make a little processing which allow grouping the news. Given that there have been classifier as relevant and there are related to the same event(e.g. strike in this exemple), we do not fear grouping articles by mistake.
Also we generate geographical cordonate for each city of each relevant news. For that we use geopy librairy.
import dataiku
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from media.src.utils.utils import read_dataiku_json
from media.src.utils.utils import write_dataiku_json
from media.src.utils.utils import groupByName
from media.src.utils.utils import geoloc
from datetime import datetime
current_date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# Read recipe inputs
filtered_result_path = f"filter_strike_results_{current_date}.json"
filtered_results = read_dataiku_json(folder_name = "filtering_output" , file_name = filtered_result_path)
if len(filtered_results) != 0:
#Groupping news base on the detected companie name
groupped_results = groupByName(filtered_results)
# Adding cities greographical coordonates for the relevant articles
final_results = geoloc(groupped_results)
else :
final_results= []
# Write recipe outputs
grouping_output = dataiku.Folder("grouping_output")
groupped_result_path = f"groupped_result_{current_date}.json"
write_dataiku_json(folder_name = "grouping_output", file_name = groupped_result_path, json_data = final_results)
After groupping relevant articles, we generate a short description for detected relevant news. given that we do not have the text for each article after processing them with RAG techniques, one have to get the text of each relevant articles in order to propose a summary. Also, the relevant articles are grouped either but clustering or by the custom grouping technique we designed. So we have tho all those goupped articles and then propose a summary of the group. We the the text base on the urls. The text of those article are in rag_data.
import dataiku
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from media.src.summarization.summarizer import Summarizer
from media.src.utils.utils import get_api_key
from media.src.utils.utils import read_dataiku_json
from media.src.utils.utils import write_dataiku_json
from datetime import datetime
from media.src.utils.utils import write_logger_file
current_date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# Read recipe inputs
summarizer = Summarizer(google_api_key = GOOGLE_API_KEY, max_output_tokens = 50)
# Get the dataset use as input for RAG, the texts to summarize are within
rag_dataset = dataiku.Dataset("fire_rag_data")
rag_data = rag_dataset.get_dataframe()
grouped_result_path = f"groupped_result_{current_date}.json"
grouped_json_data = read_dataiku_json(folder_name = "grouping_output", file_name = grouped_result_path)
if len(grouped_json_data) !=0: # Generate summarization only if there are some relevant news.
results = summarizer.genearate_description(json_data=grouped_json_data, dataframe=rag_data)
results = []
# Write recipe outputs
result_path =f"final_results_{current_date}.json"
write_dataiku_json(folder_name ="Final_results", file_name =result_path, json_data= results)
write_logger_file(logger_folder_name = 'fire_summarizer_log', log_file_name = summarizer.logfile_path, final_log_name="fire_summarizer_log.log")
This is an exemple of final results :
Define the keywords that allow collecting news related to the event. It can be a list of keywords in order to be specific.
Set a list of dictionnary whithin your config file. This list of dictionnary should contains country code and country langauge. You can provide this if you deem that the list you have at your disposal are not sufficient so you are extended it.
Define a list of question that allow you to classify if yes or not a news is relevant. You can put this list of questions whithin a python file like those in this files 'src/questions/strike_rag_questions.py'
Define a list of non desirable sectors or use the one provide here : 'src/non_desirable_sectors/sectors_to_discard.py'
Implement different pydantic objects that should be the keys of the dictionnary representing the resulat of a process article. You can be can be inspired by those exemples : 'src/outpout_parsers/output_parsers.py' or use them if you do not have a news specific field to add.
Define some prompts that guide the model on how to behave. You can be inspired by those ones : 'src/prompts'
Define a decision function that classify a news as relevant or not after being processed by RAG technique and matched with a given suppliers database This decision function should rely on the responses of each answered question during RAG and the matching process
Implement this abstract methode :
def retrieve_infos(self, dataframe : pd.DataFrame) :
by inheriting this class 'src/rag/base_retrieval.py'.