pa_sg_res_cut by Wuxian Shi, 13 Feb 2017 adapted to keyword arguments by H. J. Bernstein frame window args added by D. Kreitler
pa_sg_res_cut [-1<first_frame>] [-N<frame_cutoff>] [-R] [-r] [-S] [-i] [-o] [-l] "infile defaults to XDS_ASCII.HKL, outfile to aimless.mtz"
pa_sg_res_cut is a bash shell script wrapper for aimless and pointless, for the downstream processing of fast_dp output. This script allows for trimming integrated reflection files (from XDS) based on resolution and frame number, in addition to space group assignment.
Caveat: The impact of crystal misalignment and/or unreliable indexing in the first few frames of data collection may still be present even if those frames are excluded from pointless/aimless. In such cases re-running fast_dp is recommended.
Input arg variables match those of fast_dp (where overlap occurs)
pa_sg_res was renamed to pa_sg_res_cut (which can cut out frame windows)