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Scripts Documentation
Scene switch panel
- RightControllerScriptAlias needs UI pointer to interact with canvas
Attached scripts
- Controller_Menu_Popup
- Vision: CenterEyeAnchor object of Oculus
- Tracks the center of the headset
- Where the vision changes are: Depth of field, Colorblind
- Scene Panel: SceneSwitchPanel object
- Popup panel for switching to different scenes Children
- Controller_Menu_Popup
- A series of canvases, each is a label of the button
- Controller model for the left hand
- Attached scripts
- Allows teleport with trigger on right hand
VRTK_UI Pointer
- Allows interaction with UI panels (scene switch panel)
VRTK_Straight Pointer Renderer
- Shows the laser when pointing at things
Right Controls
- Panel: Teach Control object
- Instruction panel in front of face in each scene (welcome to…)
- Controls L: InstructionsL object
Words attached to the left controller
- Controls R: InstructionsR object
Words attached to right controller
- Children
- InstructionsR
A series of canvases, each is a label of the button
OculusTouchForQuest And RiftS_Right
Controller model for the right hand
Blurring / focusing changes
We completely replaced the old script with two new scripts. Both scripts should be placed on the CenterEyeAnchor in the OVRCameraRig in the VRTK_SDKManager, and the DOFObject should be placed anywhere in the scene
The first is “DepthOfField” script. This is a default unity script that creates a depth of field effect (blurring everything outside of the camera’s focal range). The focal range is determined by a gameobject’s transform component, This gameobject should be passed to the “Focus on Transform” parameter in the “DepthOfField” script
The second script is “DOFManager”. This is script from Gamad on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlpHmxNtiT8, and modified by us. The script sends out a Spherecast (essentially a raycast with a width) from the headset that returns the position of the first gameobject it collides with. The script changes the position of the gameobject the first script focuses on, called the DOFObject.
Instead of instantly changing the position of the DOFObject, it non-linearly interpolates between its current position, and the Spherecast’s position DOFObject is a prefab that can be found in the prefab folder. It’s a dummy object that essentially only a transform, but signals the DepthOfField script where to focus. This object must be added to any scene that has the DepthOfField script, and added as a parameter to that script.
Scene transitioning / blackout: https://github.com/dali-lab/tarsier/wiki/Black-Screens-During-Scene-Switching
Controller highlighting: https://github.com/dali-lab/tarsier/wiki/Controller-Touch-Highlighting
Optimizing lighting for the Oculus Quest
Don’t use realtime lighting, ever Bake lights instead. On every light object you add, make sure the “mode” parameter is set to “Baked”
To bake the lighting, go to Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings.
Uncheck “Auto Generate” at the bottom. Otherwise, it will attempt to bake lighting every time you even slightly change a light, which isn’t something you want
Uncheck Realtime Global Illumination, as that slows things down and isn’t even used
To make the baked lightmaps look good, up the lightmap resolution, indirect resolution (if using ambient occlusion), and lightmap size. Also uncheck “compress lightmaps”
Teleporting and limiting teleporting:
GameObject Teleporter - contains the “HeightAdjustTeleport” script, which gets called every time we teleport. * This object’s position is unimportant, but its existence is mandatory. It must exist in every scene “VRTK_Pointer” must be put on whatever controller controls teleporting. THis creates the raycast “VRTK_StraightPointerRenderer” must be put on whatever controller has the “VRTK_Pointer” script, to actually render the teleport raycast
Any object that can be teleported to should be put on “Default” layer.
Any object that cannot be teleported to should be put on the “Ignore Raycast” layer