A puppeteer based bot to monitor supermarket online delivery slots. Currently it only works with Tesco.net and uses Pushover.net to send push notifications to your phone.
Clone this repository, and install depdencies using yarn
git clone [email protected]:paulmaunders/delivery-slot-bot.git
cd delivery-slot-bot
npm install yarn -g
yarn install
Clone the example config to config.ini and add your account details
cp config.ini.example config.ini
vim config.ini
Set the following values:
- tesco_username - Your username for tesco.net
- tesco_password - Your password for tesco.net
To receive push notifications, you need to create an account with pushover.net and install the Pushover app on your phone.
- pushover_api_token - API token from Pushover
- pushover_notification_users[] - Array of Pushover user keys who wish to receive push notifications
Run delivery-slot.js with node from inside the project folder
node delivery-slots.js
The script should output a list of dates, and whether any slots are available, e.g.
Opening https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/slots/delivery/2020-03-28?slotGroup=1 [Mar 28 - Apr 03]
No slots
Opening https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/slots/delivery/2020-04-04?slotGroup=1 [Apr 04 - 10]
No slots
Opening https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/slots/delivery/2020-04-11?slotGroup=1 [Apr 11 - 17]
No slots
If a slot is found, it will send an alert to your device with a screenshot of the page so you can confirm.
Running the script by hand doesn't save much time, so you may want to add it to your crontab
crontab -e
You can then add a line specifying how often you want it to run, and where you want to store the log output, e.g.
*/5 * * * * cd ~/delivery-slot-bot; node delivery-slots.js >> ~/delivery-slot-bot/cron.log 2>&1