This project contains the first development iteration of a Java HTTP Server.
Its is not a full webserver implementation as this will require much more time.
Rather, it defines an initial architecture and implements some basic web server functions: GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS methods
It supports HTTP 1.1. Connection keep-alive is not supported.
The project architecture has 3 main layers, each layer's components being stored in a separate Java package
- contains the core API that manages the website (it exposes basic CRUD APIs for resource management)
- contains APIs to run a HTTP server and handle HTTP requests for website resources
- a sample HTTP server application and it's configuration for demo purposes. It runs by default on port 8001
and exposes an embedded website
The layer dependency can be seen below: (outer layers depend on inner layers with the core having no dependencies like in an Onion style architecture)
serverapp --> httpapi --> websiteapi
Software dependencies:
- Java 8 SDK
- Project Lombok library to generate logging and getter/setters
- JUnit 4 for unit testing
- Apache Maven 3 to build and run the server
To start the server use Maven command:
mvn clean install exec:java
Then point your browser to localhost:8001/
Note: The server was tested on Windows and Linux, MacOS behavior is not tested