Eye Hoot reduces eye strain from computer use by reminding you to do a few quick and simple eye exercises every 10 - 15 minutes, and to take a longer break every hour. The eye exercises are demonstrated with an animated owl and the time intervals are configurable.
Simply browse to https://eyehoot.site (tested with Chrome, Firefox and Safari) and keep that tab open while doing your work. When the notifications come up, click on them and follow along with the owl to do the eye exercises.
Click on the settings button to customize Eye Hoot to your liking.
Eye Hoot is inspired by EyeLeo, which is a desktop app for Windows only. I wanted similar features but for the web, with no need to install any software.
- Tweet mp3 Creative Commons.
- Ding mp3 Sampling Plus 1.0.
- Owl png Clipart Panda, Free clip art, which I converted to SVG with Inkscape, then lots of manual editing to make the paths useful for animation.
- Checkmark SVG Wiki Commons.
- Window SVG Flaticon Basic License.
- Icons from IcoMoon - Free.
After cloning the repo:
npm install
npm start
Then browse to http://localhost:8080.
To run the optimized (production) bundle:
npm run serve-prod
Then browse to http://localhost:8080.
To build the production bundle:
npm run build-prod
The generated files will be on the /docs