This is a simple PHP class to help in filtering SimpleXML content, using convention and configuration to a large extent.
Check out the tests in 'src/test/php' using the following XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Pa amb tomata</name>
<name>Pa amb tomata torrat</name>
<name>Crema catalana</name>
The class has three static methods:
XPathSimpleFilter::filter($simpleXml, $xpathArray);
Which will filter the xml using the array of xpaths, that can be nested and tagged.
XPathSimpleFilter::filterToSimpleXML($simpleXml, $xpathArray, [$options = XPathSimpleFilter::CDATAWRAP]);
Which will filter the xml using the same rules but will return a 'SimpleXMLElement' instance. Please note that unnamed nodes are named '<data>' by default.
XPathSimpleFilter::asXML($structure [$options = XPathSimpleFilter::CDATAWRAP]);
Which will return an XML string representation of the array structure, using the same rules of conversion used in the 'filterToSimpleXML' method. Useful to modify or alter the structure values before converting to XML.
'$options' can be used to modify some of the behaviour of the functions:
Wraps all text content nodes with CDATA wrappers, to prevent any issues with special chars and entities within the xml text content, this is enabled by DEFAULT so use '0' to turn it off to revert to old mode of operation. Remember to use LIBXML_NOCDATA to read results appropiately.
XPathSimpleFilter::filter($xml, array());
Will return identity.
XPathSimpleFilter::filter($xml, array('/yummy/food'));
Will return an array of food SimpleXMLElement nodes.
$a_ = array('/yummy/food[position() = 1]/name');
$name_ = XPathSimpleFilter::filter($xml, $a_);
Will return directly the content of the node as a SimpleXMLElement that can be used as a string.
$a_ = array('/foobar');
$empty_ = XPathSimpleFilter::filter($xml, $a_);
Will return an empty array.
$a_ = array('/yummy/food[position() = 1]/name',
'/yummy/food[position() = 2]/name');
$names_ = XPathSimpleFilter::filter($xml, $a_);
Will return two name nodes in an array, neat.
$a_ = array('food0' => '/yummy/food[position() = 1]/name',
'food1' => '/yummy/food[position() = 2]/name');
$names_ = XPathSimpleFilter::filter($xml, $a_);
Will return an array with two keys ('food0' and 'food1') with one 'name' node each.
$a_ = array('foodNames' => '/yummy/food/name',
'foodCalories' => '/yummy/food/calories');
$foods_ = XPathSimpleFilter::filter($xml, $a_);
Will return array with keys 'foodNames' and 'foodCalories' having specified arrays of content.
In the case of filtered nodes that are empty (as <emptynode></emptynode> or <emptynode/>), consistently with wath seems to be returned by the xpath implementation, the value returned is 'false'. (Note that this is not the same as <node>false</node> which returns the string 'false').
$a_ = array('foo' => array('/yummy/food[position() = 1]/name',
'/yummy/food[position() = 2]/name')
$names_ = XPathSimpleFilter::filter($xml, $a_);
Returns an array with key 'foo' containing a linear array of two name nodes.
$a_ = array('foodInfo' => array('foodNames' => '/yummy/food/name',
'foodCalories' => '/yummy/food/calories'),
'prices' => '/yummy/food/price');
$foodMultiple_ = XPathSimpleFilter::filter($xml, $a_);
Returns an even more complex structure.
As of release 2.x.x, a new feature has been added, which allows you to select nodes using xpath and then apply local xpath structures to them.
$a_ = array(
XPathSimpleFilter::NODES => array('/yummy/food',
Will return an array of nodes named 'food' (only implicit naming of nodes for now) which will have name and calories nodes.
$a_ = array(XPathSimpleFilter::NODES => array('/yummy/food',
As expected, this will return an array of SimpleXMLElement nodes (can be used as strings) containing the names.
There are cases that semantically we know we expect lists of elements even though they might have only one element and we still want to force a list of nodes. In this case we can use the LISTT constant thus:
$a_ = array(
XPathSimpleFilter::LISTT => array(
XPathSimpleFilter::NODES => array('/yummy/food',
Will return a list of 'food' nodes regardless of actual cardinality of applying the '/yummy/food' xpath expression. This can be easily tested using expressions such as '/yummy/food[position() < 1]'.
As of release 3.0.0, it also supports filtering with the same features and returning back a SimpleXMLElement object. Please see XPathSimpleFilterXMLTest.php for details. For a complex example:
$ingredients_ = array('./ingredients',array('./ingredient')); //ingredients is an array
$a_ = array(
XPathSimpleFilter::NODES => array('/yummy/food',
XPathSimpleFilter::NODES => $ingredients_)
Will return the following xml structure:
<name>Pa amb tomata</name>
<name>Pa amb tomata torrat</name>
<name>Crema catalana</name>
Empty nodes being selected are returned as <nameofnode/>.
See LICENSE for the license. Copyright [2013] [Daniel Giribet]