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SAP HANA Automatic Backup

Consultants and Customers can use this script to setup automatic backups for the different HANA databases that they have.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for easy deployment and use for your SAP HANA project.


What things you need to start using our Backup tool

SAP HANA Pre-installed
Python 3 or higher

SAP HANA Prerequisites

At this time we only support the use of hdbuserstore keys, please follow the instructions below to generate one for you SAP HANA system.

Generating HDBUserStore

SAP Instructions

hdbuserstore SET <KEY> <ENV> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>


To get started just clone the repository to a directory that you want that the SIDadm user has access to

git clone <directory name>


A couple of user inputs are required before we can go ahead and start backing up your databases.


In order to run the program, you will require configuration file(s) for each database that you want to use the program on.

The configuration file only needs the HDBUserStoreKey, BackupLocation, Tenant, Partition, BackUpPrefix to successfully run. SMTPServer, SMTPPort, SenderEmail, SenderPassword, RecieverEmail, S3Bucket, BucketFolder, AWSAccessKey, AWSSecretAccessKey, Sidadm, and Crontab are optional based on what functionality you prefer.

Please find an example JSON configuration file config_K01.json

	"Crontab":"* 22 * * *"


Naming convention: config_DatabaseName.json Place your config file in the same directory as that of your cloned repository.

You can have as many config files as you'd like, the program currently handles one config file per run.

Running the program on a schedule

To run it on a schedule you would need to create a cron job. open up the cron tab

vim crontab -e -u <sid>adm

Add a line for each Database that you would like to schedule a backup for Example entries

0 19 * * * cd /usr/sap/HDB/Backup_Automation && ./ K01
0 19 * * * cd /usr/sap/HDB/Backup_Automation && ./ SYSTEMDB

Another option to set the cron job would be to run the file. Before running the make sure you have the Sidadm and Crontab parameters filled out in the json files. Command to run is as follows

Python -E

Note: If you need to make a modification to your cron job in the future, such as an update to the time it is run, you can re-run the file after you have updated the json files with the new time to update Crontab.

Running the program ad-hoc

To run the program whenever you would like please naviaget to the directory that you had cloned into.

cd /usr/sap/HDB/Backup_Automation

Run the program

Python -E <Database Name>

Note: If you have both python 2 and python 3, please use python 3 to run the program.


To update the program please check back with this Github Repository. to get the update to your cloned directory run

git pull

Customization or Suggestions

If you would like to customize the build to solve a more unique scenario, you can use the documentation to write your own file using calls from the other classes.

Or you can contact Pranav Lodha (I504179) or Darpan Patel (I866765) and in our updates we can try and add your suggestion to the Standardized program.





  • Thank You to Jayesh Kothari who had the original idea, a SAP Product Expert
  • Thank You to Jonathan Kuch who worked with us to improve our understanding of SAP HANA
  • Thank You to Surajit Pramanick and Van Vi for their support and help as well!


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