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SQL Assignment README


  • This assignment focuses on managing a subscription service for Autodesk software. We have a table named 'tblSubscriptionInfo' that stores data about customer subscriptions, including customer information and subscription details.
  • MySQL is installed on the system based on approriate operating system.

Database Table

CREATE DATABASE subscription_db;
USE subscription_db;

The 'tblSubscriptionInfo' table is created using the following SQL query:

CREATE TABLE tblSubscriptionInfo
  subscription_id INT,
  product_id INT,
  product_name VARCHAR(255),
  subscription_start_date DATETIME,
  subscription_end_date DATETIME,
  customer_id INT,
  customer_contact_phone VARCHAR(11),
  customer_name VARCHAR(255),
  customer_address VARCHAR(255)

Insert mock data

Sample data is inserted into the table using the 'InsertTable.sql' script.


  1. number of subscribers whose subscriptions will be ending in 2023;
  2. number of subscribers who have subscribed for more than 3 months in 2022;
  3. subscribers who have subscribed for more than two products;
  4. product with the most/2ndmost/3rdmost number of subscribers in 2022;
  5. number of subscribers who have re-subscribed more than once for each product;
  6. subscribers who have re-subscribed a higher version of the product in 2023 - for example Autocad 2022 to Autocad 2023.


The solutions for these questions are provided in individual '.sql' files. The 'updateData.sql' file provides the SQL query to update the contact phone number, along with a solution to optimize the query. The 'Q1.sql' 'Q6.sql' file provides the solution for the question respectively.

Java Assignment README

This is a simple online bookstore inventory system implemented as a microservice using Java and Spring Boot. It interacts with a SQL database to manage inventory of books.

Getting Started

To get the project up and running on your local machine, follow these steps:


  • Java 11 or higher
  • MySQL 8.0 or higher
  • Maven 3.6.3 or higher
  • Git

Built With

  • Java
  • Spring Boot - The web framework used
  • Maven - Dependency Management
  • MySQL - Database
  • HikariCP - Lightweight JDBC connection pooling framework

MySQL Setup

Setup the MySQL database locally:

CREATE DATABASE bookstore_db;
USE bookstore_db;
	title VARCHAR(100),
	author VARCHAR(100),
	isbn VARCHAR(13),
	quantity INT,
	price DOUBLE,
	availability BOOLEAN
CREATE INDEX idx_title ON books(title);
CREATE INDEX idx_author ON books(author);
CREATE INDEX idx_isbn ON books(isbn);

The idx_title, idx_author and idx_isbn are indexes on the title, author and ISBN columns respectively, which can help speed up search queries.

Configuration: Replace the values as needed based on your MySQL setup

In src/main/resources/, configure the database connection details: spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bookstore_db spring.datasource.username=[CHANGE_YOUR_VALUE] spring.datasource.password=[CHANGE_YOUR_VALUE] spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update

Run the unit tests for the project using the following command:

mvn test

Running the Application

mvn spring-boot:run

API Documentation

This system exposes the following RESTful endpoints:

POST /books: Add a new book to the inventory

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/books" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"id\":\"3\",\"title\":\"Test Book\",\"author\":\"Test Author\",\"isbn\":\"1234567890\",\"quantity\":100,\"price\":19.99,\"availability\":true}"

DELETE /books/{id}: Remove a book from the inventory

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/books/1"

PUT /books/{id}: Update the quantity in stock for a given book.

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:8080/books/1?quantity=200"

GET /books/{id}: Retrieve the quantity in stock for a given book.

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/books/3"

GET /books: List all books in the inventory.

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/books"

GET /books/search: Search for books based on their title, author, or ISBN. Also allows for filtering based on price range and availability.

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/books/search?title=Test%20Book&author=Test%20Author&isbn=1234567890&minPrice=10.0&maxPrice=30

Design Pattern

This project employs the Singleton design pattern for the DBConnection class to ensure that only a single instance of the database connection is created and shared throughout the application.

Error Handling and Logging

  • Implemented a global exception handler to capture and log any exceptions or errors that occur during the execution of the system.
  • SLF4J used for logging.

Performance Optimization

  • Created indexes in your database schema
  • Optimize Queries by selecting specific columns and using prepared statements.
  • The HikariCP connection pool is also used to manage database connections efficiently.


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