A Swift 3.0 full stack project to control LEDs remotely using:
- An iOS application,
- A web service on a Raspberry Pi 2/3.
Every line of code in Swift.
Here my medium post where I explain in detail how to realize the project.
When in the summer of 2016 I discovered that some one started to deploy a Swift version for the Raspberry Pi 2/3, I decided to realize a real full stack project:
- A web service with Swift
- An iOS mobile application in Swift
- A software in Swift to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi
My first simple Swift full stack project 🏎
Raspberry Pi 2, a demo board, wires and led.
RPiLedsControl README using Vapor.
An easy & free service to make public the port 80 of your Raspberry PI. Remember that this is a simply demo, so I didn't implement any security... be careful!☠️
A video that shows how I can turn on/off led with my iPad and an internet connection 😎