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Typescript Wrapper For Next.js APIs

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Next-Controls is a wrapper library for Next.js APIs. Currently under early development, only a limited selection of endpoints are supported, but PRs are welcome.

The methods provided make use of properties defined in the Vercel docs; see those for more info on what each required property is.


  • Deployments - [partial]
  • Auth - [partial]
  • Secrets - [complete]
  • Projects - [partial]
  • Log Drain - [todo]
  • Domains - [todo]
  • Aliases - [todo]
  • Artifact - [todo - beta]

Local Development

To get going after pulling the repo locally:

  1. Create a copy of the .env.sample file called .env, and set your VERCEL_TOKEN value.
  2. Make your changes
  3. Run yarn build or npm run build to create the esm and cjs variants.

That's all there is to it; I've left this project simple in structure, and un-opinionated for now. Tests are my next priority (Read my blog post to find out how I ended up with this repo to begin with).

Using in your project

To begin using this in your project, first install it into your project:

yarn add @darylcecile/next-controls
# or 
npm i @darylcecile/next-controls --save.

then import it into your work:

import {CreateProject} from "@darylcecile/next-controls";

// ...

The methods all return a Promise of AxiosRequest, with each request data being typed (see ./src/types/ folder for type definitions).

🚨NOTE This library only contains a small subset of what the Vercel API supports. I've only added what I found I needed for my use-case, but plan on expanding to cover all APIs in the future. In the meantime, PRs are welcome to add more wrapper methods.

Create Deployment

Create a deployment on the specified project; provided files will be uploaded for deployment.

	bearer: '...',
	projectId: '...',
	files: [
			file: '<fileName>',
			data: '...', // optional
			sha: '...', // optional
			size: 0, // optional
			encoding: 'base64' // optional
        // {...}
	forceNew: false, // optional - see Vercel docs
	target: "staging", // optional - "staging" (default) or "production"
	meta: {
		key: 'value',
        // ...

// returns -> Promise<AxiosResponse>

Get Deployment By ID or URL

Finds a deployment by deploymentId or URL. Bearer optional (see vercel docs).

	bearer: '...', // optional
	idOrUrl: '...'

// returns -> Promise<AxiosResponse>

Delete a Deployment

Delete a deployment by ID or URL.

	bearer: '...',
	id: '...', //deployment ID
	teamId: '...', //optional - for team-project deployment
	url: '...' //optional - if provided will ignore id

// returns -> Promise<AxiosResponse>

View Deployment Details

Get deployment details for a specific project

	bearer: '...',
	projectId: '...'

// returns -> Promise<AxiosResponse>

Cancel a deployment

Cancel an ongoing deployment for a specific project

	bearer: '...',
	id: '...', // deployment ID
	teamId: '...' //optional - for team project

// returns -> Promise<AxiosResponse>

Get all Projects

Get a list of all projects.

	bearer: '...',
	from: 9999999999, // optional - timestamp
	limit: 0, // optional - count
	search: '...', //optional - filter
	teamId: '...' //optional - for team projects

// returns -> Promise<AxiosResponse>

Delete a Project

Delete a project by ID or Name.

	bearer: '...',
	idOrName: '...', // project unique ID or Name
	teamId: '...' //optional - if its a team project

// returns -> Promise<AxiosResponse>

Create a new Project

Create a project. Supported frameworks can be found on vercel doc.

	bearer: '...',
	name: '...', // project name
	environmentVariables: ['ENV=val', '...'], //optional
    framework: "nextjs" //optional - see doc for up-to-date list of supported frameworks

// returns -> Promise<AxiosResponse>

Login with Email

As stated in vercel docs: Request a new login for a user to get a token. This will respond with a verification token and send an email to confirm the request. Once confirmed you can use the verification token to get an authentication token.

	email: '...', // user email
	tokenName: '...' //optional - name for the token

// returns -> Promise<AxiosResponse>

Verify email login request

As stated in vercel docs: Verify the user accepted the login request and get a authentication token.

	token: '...', // token received from above request
	email: '...', // user email
	tokenName: '...' //optional - name for the token

// returns -> Promise<AxiosResponse>


POC - Deploy to Vercel Programmatically







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