NOTE: Archived 2023 - feel free to fork and host yourself if you are interested.
General purpose discord bot written in python for the rewrite library
Click here to invite Yin-bot to your server
Click here to join the discord support server
Development with Yin is a very simple process.
Docker (CE edition is fine)
Steps to run:
- Clone repo (duh)
- Copy config/example_config.yml to config/config.yml and edit values as needed.
- Run
docker-compose up
- Invite bot to server.
Once you have changed some code:
- Run
docker-compose build yinbot
- Re-run
docker-compose up
Don't worry this happens because both the bot and the DB are being built at the same time and they finish at different times.
- This should resolve itself, the bot will attempt to reconnect every 5 seconds. If it goes on longer than 3 retries, check to see if database perms are set correctly or the database is up correctly
This may happen due to the database being on a volume to persist the data. If this happens you can run docker system prune --volumes
- This will require you to restore the server permissions/settings. (See 'Server Settings Deleted/Error Logs on Every Command')
Run {prefix}auto_fix_servers
. This will go through and add any servers the bot is in to the database, if they are not already there.