This repository provisions resources on Google, preparing them for a deployment of the application on a GKE cluster.
- A Google cloud account, preferably a new isolated one.
- Terraform >= 1.4.6
- A customer contract with Datafold
- The application does not work without credentials supplied by sales
- Access to our public helm-charts repository
This deployment will create the following resources:
- Google VPC
- Google subnet
- Google GCS bucket for clickhouse backups
- Google external application load balancer
- Google HTTPS certificate, unless preregistered and provided
- Three persistent disk volumes for local data storage
- A GKE cluster
- Service accounts for the GKE cluster to perform actions outside of its cluster boundary:
- Provisioning persistent disk volumes
- Updating Network Endpoint Group to route traffic to pods directly
- This module will not provision DNS names in your zone.
- See the example for a potential setup, which has dependencies on our helm-charts
- Create secret files with our variables
- Implement the example in this repository
- Change the settings
- Run
terraform init
- Run
terraform apply
The deployment is created and the initjob should have created the databases and done the initialization of the site settings.
If that didn't complete successfully, try to restart the job.
Once the deployment is complete and the initjob succeeded, we can set the install to that for false in config.yaml:
install: false
Alternatively, here are the manual steps to achieve the same:
Establish a shell into the <deployment>-dfshell
It is likely that the scheduler and server containers are crashing in a loop.
All we need to is to run these commands:
./manage.py clickhouse create-tables
./manage.py database create-or-upgrade
./manage.py installation set-new-deployment-params
Now all containers should be up and running.
Name | Version |
dns | 3.2.1 |
>= 4.80.0 |
Name | Version |
>= 4.80.0 | |
random | n/a |
Name | Source | Version |
clickhouse_backup | ./modules/clickhouse_backup | n/a |
database | ./modules/database | n/a |
gke | ./modules/gke | n/a |
load_balancer | ./modules/load_balancer | n/a |
networking | ./modules/networking | n/a |
project-iam-bindings | terraform-google-modules/iam/google//modules/projects_iam | n/a |
project_factory_project_services | terraform-google-modules/project-factory/google//modules/project_services | ~> 14.4.0 |
Name | Type |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
add_onprem_support_group | Flag to add onprem support group for [email protected] | bool |
true |
no |
clickhouse_backup_sa_key | SA key from secrets | string |
"" |
no |
clickhouse_data_disk_size | Data volume size clickhouse | number |
40 |
no |
clickhouse_db | Db for clickhouse. | string |
"clickhouse" |
no |
clickhouse_gcs_bucket | GCS Bucket for clickhouse backups. | string |
"clickhouse-backups-abcguo23" |
no |
clickhouse_get_backup_sa_from_secrets_yaml | Flag to toggle getting clickhouse backup SA from secrets.yaml instead of creating new one | bool |
false |
no |
clickhouse_username | Username for clickhouse. | string |
"clickhouse" |
no |
common_tags | Common tags to apply to any resource | map(string) |
n/a | yes |
create_ssl_cert | True to create the SSL certificate, false if not | bool |
false |
no |
database_name | The name of the database | string |
"datafold" |
no |
database_version | Version of the database | string |
no |
datafold_intercom_app_id | The app id for the intercom. A value other than "" will enable this feature. Only used if the customer doesn't use slack. | string |
"" |
no |
db_deletion_protection | A flag that sets delete protection (applied in terraform only, not on the cloud). | bool |
true |
no |
default_node_disk_size | Disk size for a node | number |
40 |
no |
deploy_neg_backend | Set this to true to connect the backend service to the NEG that the GKE cluster will create | bool |
true |
no |
deploy_vpc_flow_logs | Flag weither or not to deploy vpc flow logs | bool |
false |
no |
deployment_name | Name of the current deployment. | string |
n/a | yes |
domain_name | Provide valid domain name (used to set host in GCP) | string |
n/a | yes |
environment | Global environment tag to apply on all datadog logs, metrics, etc. | string |
n/a | yes |
gcs_path | Path in the GCS bucket to the backups | string |
"backups" |
no |
github_endpoint | URL of Github enpoint to connect to. Useful for GH Enterprise. | string |
"" |
no |
gitlab_endpoint | URL of Gitlab enpoint to connect to. Useful for GH Enterprise. | string |
"" |
no |
host_override | A valid domain name if they provision their own DNS / routing | string |
"" |
no |
lb_app_rules | Extra rules to apply to the application load balancer for additional filtering | list(object({ |
n/a | yes |
lb_layer_7_ddos_defence | Flag to toggle layer 7 ddos defence | bool |
false |
no |
legacy_naming | Flag to toggle legacy behavior - like naming of resources | bool |
true |
no |
mig_disk_type | https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/resources/compute_instance_template#disk_type | string |
"pd-balanced" |
no |
postgres_allocated_storage | The amount of allocated storage for the postgres database | number |
20 |
no |
postgres_instance | GCP instance type for PostgreSQL database. Available instance groups: . Available instance classes: . |
string |
"db-custom-2-7680" |
no |
postgres_ro_username | Postgres read-only user name | string |
"datafold_ro" |
no |
postgres_username | The username to use for the postgres CloudSQL database | string |
"datafold" |
no |
project_id | The project to deploy to, if not set the default provider project is used. | string |
n/a | yes |
provider_azs | Provider AZs list, if empty we get AZs dynamically | list(string) |
n/a | yes |
provider_region | Region for deployment in GCP | string |
n/a | yes |
redis_data_size | Redis volume size | number |
10 |
no |
remote_storage | Type of remote storage for clickhouse backups. | string |
"gcs" |
no |
restricted_roles | Flag to stop certain IAM related resources from being updated/changed | bool |
false |
no |
restricted_viewer_role | Flag to stop certain IAM related resources from being updated/changed | bool |
false |
no |
ssl_cert_name | Provide valid SSL certificate name in GCP OR ssl_private_key_path and ssl_cert_path | string |
"" |
no |
ssl_cert_path | SSL certificate path | string |
"" |
no |
ssl_private_key_path | Private SSL key path | string |
"" |
no |
vpc_cidr | Network CIDR for VPC | string |
"" |
no |
vpc_flow_logs_interval | Interval for vpc flow logs | string |
no |
vpc_flow_logs_sampling | Sampling for vpc flow logs | string |
"0.5" |
no |
vpc_id | Provide ID of existing VPC if you want to omit creation of new one | string |
"" |
no |
vpc_master_cidr_block | cidr block for k8s master, must be a /28 block. | string |
"" |
no |
vpc_secondary_cidr_pods | Network CIDR for VPC secundary subnet 1 | string |
"/17" |
no |
vpc_secondary_cidr_services | Network CIDR for VPC secundary subnet 2 | string |
"/17" |
no |
whitelist_all_ingress_cidrs_lb | Normally we filter on the load balancer, but some customers want to filter at the SG/Firewall. This flag will whitelist on the load balancer. | bool |
false |
no |
whitelisted_egress_cidrs | List of Internet addresses to which the application has access | list(string) |
n/a | yes |
whitelisted_ingress_cidrs | List of CIDRs that can access the HTTP/HTTPS | list(string) |
n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
clickhouse_backup_sa | Name of the clickhouse backup Service Account |
clickhouse_data_size | Size in GB of the clickhouse data volume |
clickhouse_data_volume_id | Volume ID of the clickhouse data PD volume |
clickhouse_gcs_bucket | Name of the GCS bucket for the clickhouse backups |
clickhouse_logs_size | Size in GB of the clickhouse logs volume |
clickhouse_logs_volume_id | Volume ID of the clickhouse logs PD volume |
clickhouse_password | Password to use for clickhouse |
cloud_provider | The cloud provider creating all the resources |
cluster_name | The name of the GKE cluster that was created |
db_instance_id | The database instance ID |
deployment_name | The name of the deployment |
domain_name | The domain name on the HTTPS certificate |
lb_external_ip | The load balancer IP when it was provisioned. |
neg_name | The name of the Network Endpoint Group where pods need to be registered from kubernetes. |
postgres_database_name | The name of the postgres database |
postgres_host | The hostname of the postgres database |
postgres_password | The postgres password |
postgres_port | The port of the postgres database |
postgres_username | The postgres username |
redis_data_size | The size in GB of the redis data volume |
redis_data_volume_id | The volume ID of the Redis PD data volume |
redis_password | The Redis password |
vpc_cidr | The CIDR range of the VPC |
vpc_id | The ID of the Google VPC the cluster runs in. |
vpc_subnetwork | The subnet in which the cluster is created |