- One front end Application (client) with /hello endpoint.
- One Backend application (server) with /hello endpoint.
- Server has a TCP routes with mutual SSL enabled
- Client use restTemplate to communicate with server through mutual SSL
- Using VAULT to store keystores
- Enable java ssl debug
- Have a tcp domain/routes enabled and point the DNS record to tcp load balancer
Shaozhen-Ding-MacBook-Pro:mutualssl sding$ cf domains
Getting domains in org test as admin...
name status type
cfapps.haas-50.pez.pivotal.io shared
mutulssl-server.shaozhenpcf.com shared tcp
Generate Certificates
This script generates client and server keystores, trust-stores and certificates.
Import client cert to server trust store
Import server cert to client trust store
Place them to src/main/resources folder to client and server projects
generate_keystore.sh [SERVER_DOMAIN] [CLIENT_DOMAIN]
E.g ./generate_keystore.sh mutulssl-server.shaozhenpcf.com mutualssl-client.cfapps.haas-50.pez.pivotal.io
- Build the project
mvn package
- Configure the backend server on manifest.yml
- name: mutualssl-client
memory: 512M
path: client/target/client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
BACKEND_SERVER: https://mutulssl-server.shaozhenpcf.com:5000/hello
Configure the client keystores
Currently there are two ways to inject the client keystores to JVM.
Through environment variables
applications: - name: mutualssl-client memory: 512M path: client/target/client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar env: BACKEND_SERVER: https://mutulssl-server.shaozhenpcf.com:5000/hello KEY_STORE: /home/vcap/app/BOOT-INF/classes/client.jks KEY_STORE_PASSWORD: s3cr3t TRUST_STORE: /home/vcap/app/BOOT-INF/classes/client_trust.jks TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD: s3cr3t BACK_END: ENV
Through VAULT
Implementation Details: Load keystore files with base64 encoding to vault. Use Java to grab the keystores, decode, create a temp jks file and load to JVM
Using Vault CLI to load key stores ./import_keystore_vault.sh --- applications: - name: mutualssl-client memory: 512M path: client/target/client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar env: BACKEND_SERVER: https://mutulssl-server.shaozhenpcf.com:5000/hello KEY_STORE: jks_store/client KEY_STORE_PASSWORD: secret/client_pass TRUST_STORE: jks_store/client_trust TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD: secret/client_trust_pass BACK_END: VAULT VAULT_SERVER: VAULT_TOKEN: 7c51e5f5-c909-2943-3657-a1c63305f11d
cf push
Shaozhen-Ding-MacBook-Pro:mutualssl sding$ cf apps
Getting apps in org test / space staging as admin...
name requested state instances memory disk urls
mutualssl-client started 1/1 512M 1G mutualssl-client.cfapps.haas-50.pez.pivotal.io
mutualssl-server started 1/1 512M 1G mutulssl-server.shaozhenpcf.com:5000
- Access client app through browser or curl
It returns the message from the backend server
Watch the ssl handshake on both client and server side logs
If access server directly through curl or browser. It will fail (Watch logs see the client cert request failure)