This is fork from official magmi Github reposiotry ( This fork use version 0.7.23 of magmi with changes for Magento 2 imported from repositories:
- tagesjump/magmi-m2 -
- pushnov-i/magmi-m2 - On top of that custom compatibility fixes were added.
We're accepting pull requests. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Current version is in beta and tested only for import simple and configurable products, categories, images and simple-configurable links.
NOTICE: If you want to create URL rewrites please enable "On the fly indexer" plugin!
Known working plugins:
- On the fly category creator/importer
- On the fly indexer
- Configurable Item processor
- Image attributes processor
Copy the magmi directory into the root of your Magento 2 installation.
Add the following to the autoload section of your composer.json:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Magmi\\": "magmi/"
You can then create your own command line script to import and export using the Magmi engine.