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LiteMVC PHP framework

GitHub (pre-)release GitHub license

This is a simple MVC framework for PHP 7.1.0 and later.

Minimum Requirements

  • PHP 7.1.0+
  • PDO driver for your respective database
  • mod_rewrite activated


  1. Install LiteMVC framework on your machine.
  2. Run composer update to install the project dependencies.
  3. Enter your configuration data in a specified files.
  4. Configure your web server.
  5. Add routes, create controllers, views and models.


There are a few ways to install this framework.

  • Use Composer:
composer create-project dawidgorecki/litemvc
  • Download the framework directly.
  • Clone the repository.


Configuration files are stored in the Application/Configs directory. Default settings include database connection setting, SMTP configuration and some others. You can access the settings in your code like this: Config::get('DB_HOST'). Also you can add your own configuration settings in here.

For development environment, file config-devel.php is used. File config-production.php is used on production environment.

To change environment add one of the following instruction in bootstrap.php file.


Naming convention

  • Controller Class - Singular with the first letter of each word capitalized and Controller suffix (e.g., UserController)
  • View Class - Singular with the first letter of each word capitalized and View suffix (e.g., UserView)
  • Database Table - Plural with underscores separating words (e.g., user_details)
  • Model Class - Singular with the first letter of each word capitalized (e.g., UserDetail)

Web server configuration

Configure your web server to have the Public folder as the web root. Also add or update ServerAdmin variable in vhost configuration file. This will be used on the error pages.


The Router translates URLs into controllers and actions. Routes are added in the routes.php file in the Application/Configs directory.

Routes are added with the add method. You can add fixed URL routes, and specify the controller and action:

$router->add("", "Page", "view");
$router->add("pages/checkout", "Page", "checkout");

Or you can add route variables, like this:

$router->add("user/edit/{id}", "User", "editUser");

You can specify any parameter you like within curly braces.


Controllers are stored in the Application/Controllers folder. Controllers are classes that extend the Controller.php class, and need to be in the Controllers namespace. You can put any controller in subdirectory, but then you need to specify the namespace when adding route for these controller.

Controller has two special methods executed before and after any other actions:

public function before()
    // e.g. checking authentication

    if (!Session::userIsLoggedIn()) {
        $errorController = new ErrorController();

public function after() 
    // do something

Getting model and view:

$model = $this->getModel();
$view = $this->getView();

Model with the same name as controller is loaded automatically. You can load another models:

$userModel = $this->loadModel("User");


Views are used to display information (usually HTML). View files are in the Application/Views folder and should be a Smarty template file (*.tpl). You can find some examples with bootstrap components in Application/Views dir.

Rendering view:

public function error500()
    $this->getView()->render('Templates/Errors/error500', ['serverAdmin' => getenv('SERVER_ADMIN')]);

Getting view as PDF file:

$this->getView()->getPDF('file_name_without_extension', 'viewName');

You can use View static methods to check witch controller and action is active:



Models are used to get and store data in your application. Models extend the Model.php class and use PDO to access the database. They're stored in the Application/Models folder.

Example of database usage:

$db = $this->getDB();

// Prepare a statement for execution 
$db->prepare("SELECT title FROM pages WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1");

// Bind a value to a parameter
$db->bind("id", $id);

// Execute a prepared statement and return result set
return $db->executeAndFetchAll();

Model private properties should have the same names as columns in database table if you want to use ActiveRecord features (CRUD).

Basic CRUD


To create a new record in database (e.g. add new user) we instantiating a new object (model) and then invoking the save() method.

// INSERT INTO users(name,email) VALUES('John','[email protected]')  
$user = new User();
$user->setEmail("[email protected]");


These are your basic methods to find and retrieve records from your database.

// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=1 LIMIT 1
$user = User::findById(1);
echo $user->getName();

// SELECT * FROM users
$users = User::findAll();
foreach ($users as $user) {
    echo $user->getName();

// SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='[email protected]'
$users = User::findByQuery("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=:email", [":email" => "[email protected]"]);
echo $users[0]->getName();


To update you would just need to find a record first and then change one of attributes.

// UPDATE users SET name='Edwin' WHERE id=1
$user = User::findById(1);


That will call SQL query to delete the record in your database.

// DELETE FROM users WHERE id=1
$user = User::findById(1);

Number of rows in table

$rowCount = User::getRowsCount();


You can create and add captcha image to the page by using this code:

<img id="captcha" src="{\Libraries\Http\Request::getSiteUrl()}/captcha">

Generated phrase will be stored in the session variable captcha. You can change some settings in the CaptchaController.php file.

To reload captcha use this code:

<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('captcha').src = '/captcha'; return false">Reload Captcha</a> 

You can compare the phrase with user input:

if (!CaptchaUtils::checkCaptcha($userInput)) {
    // wrong captcha code
} else {
    // code ok


To send email message use this code. Be sure you are changed SMTP configuration in config file.

$mailer = new Libraries\Core\Mail();
$mailer->addRecipient('[email protected]', 'John Doe');
$mailer->addContent('Subject', 'My message');

if ($mailer->sendMessage('[email protected]', 'Peter Doe')) {
    // message was send
} else {
    // error

Logs & Errors

All errors are reporting and saved in file defined in configuration file. Default location is /Logs/error.log.

You can add log by using this code:

System::log("No route matched", __FILE__, System::E_NOTICE);

Error Views are stored in Application/Views/Templates/Errors folder.

You can render error View with following code:

$error = new \Controllers\ErrorController();


Licensed under the MIT license. (