A Slack pack for flyte.
Pack requires go version min. 1.11
- go build
go build
- go test
go test ./...
- docker build
docker build -t <name>:<version> .
This plugin only works with classic Slack apps at the moment. To learn how to create one, click here.
The plugin is configured using environment variables:
ENV VAR | Default | Description | Example |
FLYTE_API | - | The API endpoint to use | http://localhost:8080 |
FLYTE_SLACK_TOKEN | - | The Slack Bot API token to use | token_abc |
Example FLYTE_API=http://localhost:8080 FLYTE_SLACK_TOKEN=token_abc ./flyte-slack
All the events have the same fields as the command input plus error (in case of failed event)
"message": "...", // required
"channelId": "...", // required
"threadTimestamp": "..." // optional
Returned events
"message": "...",
"channelId": "...",
"threadTimestamp": "..."
"message": "...",
"channelId": "...",
"error": "..."
See the Slack message formatting API (and the example below) for details on what can be included in this. All of the fields (at the time of writing) available on the Slack API are supported here.
Returned events
The returned event payload is the same as the input.
"inputMessage": { ... },
"error": "..."
"channelId": "...",
"user": { // user that sent the message
"id": "...",
"name": "...", // display name
"email": "...",
"title": "...", // e.g. Principal Systems Engineer
"firstName": "...",
"lastName": "...",
"timestamp": "...",
"threadTimestamp": "..."
"message": "..."
The following flow will allow you to type any message into a Slack channel where this pack is
listening and have it echo back whatever you say. E.g.: typing echo hello world
will echo
"hello world" back to you.
"name": "echo",
"description": "Echo message back to the sender with a mention, like echo service",
"steps": [
"id": "get_message",
"event": {
"packName": "Slack",
"name": "ReceivedMessage"
"criteria": "{{ Event.Payload.message | match: '^echo\\\\s+' }}",
"context": {
"Msg": "{{ Event.Payload.message | slice:'5:'}}",
"Channel": "{{ Event.Payload.channelId }}",
"RequestorId": "{{ Event.Payload.user.id }}"
"command": {
"packName": "Slack",
"name": "SendMessage",
"input": {
"channelId":"{{ Context.Channel }}",
"message":"<@{{ Context.RequestorId }}>, you said:\n>>> {{ Context.Msg }}"
This flow sends a rich message for a hypothetical deployment. More information about rich messages can be found in the Slack API documentation. The message format is exactly the same as documented (at least currently!) so can be directly cut & pasted into Slack's message builder tool, e.g.: this is the below message, verbatim in the tool
"name": "announce_deployments",
"description": "Announces deployments",
"steps": [
"id": "on_deployment_success",
"event": {
"packName": "MyContinuousDeploymentToolPack",
"name": "DeploymentSucceeded"
"command": {
"packName": "Slack",
"name": "SendRichMessage",
"input": {
"channel": "ABCDEFG",
"attachments": [
"fallback": "The deploy of `YOURAPP.0.1.641` to `staging` has completed with a status of *success*.",
"color": "#36a64f",
"title": "Deployment Update",
"text": "<@USER>, the deploy of `YOURAPP.0.1.641` to `staging` has completed with a status of *success*.",
"fields": [
"title": "Artefact",
"value": "YOURAPP.0.1.641",
"short": true
"title": "Environment",
"value": "staging",
"short": true
"actions": [
"type": "button",
"text": "View Logs",
"url": "http://logs.example.com/staging/deploy/vFZhU-1388",
"style": "primary"