This repository contains the necessary files to deploy an Eclipse Dirigible instance with Postgresql using Docker Compose.
From the official website, Eclipse Dirigible is:
Eclipse Dirigible provides capabilities for end-to-end development process from database modeling and management, through RESTful services authoring using various dynamic languages, to pattern-based user interface generation, role based security, external services integration, testing, debugging, operations, and monitoring.
This configuration follows the official documentation to deploy with Tomcat ( and Postgres ( A custom pom.xml is used to generate only the target server-all and build a smaller image. Despite that, the resulted image is almost 670MB size. To achieve an even smaller image, the Docker Multistage Build is used to generate a final image with 165MB and only what is necessary to deploy the system.
To deploy Dirigible with Postgres as database using docker-compose, follow these instructions:
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- Modify the environment file (.env) to configure the database access.
- Modify the dirigible/tomcat_users.xml to configure users and passwords.
- Run
docker-compose up
5 Access https://localhost:8080
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- Export an env variable with the path to your GCP credentials:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/your/credentials.json
- Export an env variable with GCP project ID:
export PROJECT_ID="$(gcloud config get-value project -q)"
- Build the docker image:
docker build -t${PROJECT_ID}/dirigible ./dirigible
- Configure docker to log in Google Cloud Registry
cat $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS | docker login -u \_json_key --password-stdin
- Push the created image to GCP registry:
docker push${PROJECT_ID}/dirigible
- Go to cloud/dev/ and edit the variables in all .tfvars files
- Execute
terragrunt apply-all
- Access the Dirigible app using the IP address shown at the end of execution