It is a simply script with a library to bypass Cloudflare UAN anti-ddos page, build in js.
This library is a port of python module cloudflare-scrape with couple enhancements and test cases ;) . All grats to its author \m/
If the page you want to access is protected by Cloudflare, it will return special page, which expects client to support Javascript to solve challenge.
This small library encapsulates logic which extracts challenge, solves it, submits and returns the request page body.
You can use cloudscraper even if you are not sure if Cloudflare protection is turned on.
In general, Cloudflare has 4 types of common anti-bot pages:
- Simple html+javascript page with challenge
- Page which redirects to original site
- Page with recaptcha
- Page with error ( your ip was banned, etc)
Install on Kali/Debian
git clone
cd cloudAttack
chmod +x
Run: node cloudattack.js --attack "yoursite" --threads 500
Proxys: --proxy true --updateproxy true
Example: node cloudattack.js --attack "" --threads 1000 --proxy true
- npm install
- npm install minimist
- npm install cloudscraper
Version 1.0
Twitter: @AnonGuegue