This project provides APIs for recommendation of assignments for a user based on implicit feedbacks and recommendation of assignments based on implicit relations using Machine Learning. The API serves for Alternating Least Squares algorithm and Bayesian Personalised Ranking algorithm. It is used on DCT Academy's code platform
- python 3.x
- numpy 1.x
- pandas 0.2x
- scipy 1.1.x
- scikit-learn 0.19.x
- statsmodels 0.9.x
- Cython 0.28.x
- Flask 1.x.x
- gunicorn 19.x.x
- implicit 0.3.x
- requests 2.xx.x
- CUDA 9.x.x (only if GPU)
└───ml-api - Flask APIs serving the recommendation system
| │
| └───model
│ | *_model_als.pkl - Model for Alternating Least Squares
│ | *_model_bayes.pkl - Model for Bayesian Personalised Ranking
│ | user_submissions_pivot.csv - Sparse Matrix of Feebacks
│ | user_submissions.csv - DataFrame of Feebacks
| |
| └─── - Flask app serving requests
│ dct_original.sql - original data dump from postgres/prodcution
│ dct.sql - dump used to local model training and testing
│ points.xlsx - Custom grading/confidence system
│ table_columns.csv - tables and their attributes in the database for reference
│ tags.csv - list of all tags for assignments
│ implicit-recsys-assign.ipynb - Notebook for analysis and building model (local)
│ dct-recsys-assign.ipynb - Notebook for analysis and building model (production)
│ - Plain python script for building model (production)
Other techniques used to solve the same problem. Techniques used include K-Nearest Neighbours,Single Value Decomposition and Matrix Factorisation (not used for production)
- generates*_model_als.pkl, *_model_bayes.pkl, user_submissions_pivot.csv, user_submissions.csv
- Trains model and generates required files in
- Trains model and generates required files in
- Push changes to the dct-ml-api heroku api repository
A simple http GET request can be sent to the follwing URL
Supported Algos:
- Alternating Least Squaresbayes
- Bayesian Personalised Ranking
For recommending assignments to a user:[id]&algo=['ALGO_NAME']&num=[n]
is the User ID (integer),ALGO_NAME
is the algorithm (string),num
is the number of recommendations required (integer) -
For finding related assignments:[id]&algo=['ALGO_NAME']&num=[n]
is the Assignment ID (integer),ALGO_NAME
is the algorithm (string),num
is the number of recommendations required (integer) -
Sample API Requests:
The API returns a JSON containing the list of Assignment IDs and their correlation with the requested assingment or a user.
- Sample API Response:
{"80": "1.0", "124": "0.4352896", "33": "0.3462197", "50": "0.3163503", "75": "0.27723202", "102": "0.25381687", "27": "0.24722941", "37": "0.23291864", "74": "0.22682238", "62": "0.21501605"}
- Aniruddha SG, Co Founder and Instructor, DCT Academy
- Harish Nagasamudra, Full Stack Engineer, DCT Academy
Copyright(c) 2018, DCT Academy