Team Members:-
Name | Net-Id |
Ritik Lnu | rl4017 |
Neel Shah | nks8839 |
Vishal Shah | vs2530 |
Inconsistent, incorrect, and missing data is quite common in today’s world which is often unavoidable. It may be due to human errors, inconsistent data management systems, or some other factors. In such cases, good data profiling and data cleaning techniques are quite important and inevitable to obtain data that can be used for further processing. We use data profiling to analyze the structure of our dataset and check if it has a standard structure for further processing. After evaluating the structure of our dataset we employ several techniques to clean the data. Some techniques are used to remove the outliers and other techniques are used to remove the missing values. We use some open-source libraries to perform data profiling and data cleansing. We also use some custom User Defined Functions (UDFs) to perform data cleaning which we found to be more effective than the open-source libraries. We use the 311 Service Requests dataset which encompasses all non-emergency requests from the city, including but not limited to noise complaints, air quality issues and reports of unsanitary conditions, etc. The 311 calls in New York City are publicly available on NYC OpenData.
- Profiling Data
The first step is to profile the data and know about the structure of the data and get an understanding of the colunms.
- Cleaning the data
We will clean the dataset using openclean library and also with other custom user defined functions.
- Analysis and visualise results
Finally we would analysis results of our data clean job and visualise our data before and after cleaning, by both our orignal strategies and our refined strategies.
- Find Overlapping datasets
We analyse our dataset and measure the similarity on columns with our the dataset "311 Service requests", finding potential datasets with overlapping columns.
Below were the python packages used by us, they should be installed to reproduce the experiment:
- openclean
- pyspark
- Pandas
- The Project Report
An extensive analysis report of the whole process which has been performed on the dataset.
- The Project Presentation
A presentation which has to be presented to the instructor to provide a quick summary of the process.
This is the repository for Big Data final project performed on 311 Service Requests Data from NYC Open Data The data can be found at:
The dataset can be found here: The dataset can also be found with the unique identifier on HPC Peel Cluster: /user/CS-GY-6513/project_data/data-cityofnewyork-us.erm2-nwe9.csv
Thank You