A python program to grab the system stats. It use the threashold file [config] to generate the alerts. It has a publisher, to publish the stats. And an Subscriber to grab the data.
Structure of Config file
{ "alert": { "cpu": { "critical": 90, "warning": 80, "repeat": 3 }, "memory": { "virtual":{ "critical": 40, "warning": 50, "repeat": 3 }, "swap": { "critical": 35, "warning": 45, "repeat": 3 } }, "disk": { "critical": 10, "warning": 30, "repeat": 3 }, "processes": [{ "name": "<<app_name>>", "start_script": "<<process_start_script>>" }, { "name": "<<app_name_2>>", "start_script": "<<process_start_script_2>>" }] }, "emailTo": "<<email_address>>" }
How to run
pyhton main.py {{time_interval}} {{absolute_config_file_path}}
1. 'time_interval' is in int. It is optional. Default value is **3** 2. 'absolute_config_file_path' is a **JSON** config file required to grab the metrics for system, app, and network. It is optional. The default file is under /resource/monitor.cfg.json.
pyhton main.py
to start the flask server
python src/server/StatsAPI.py
NOTE: - the src/lib foldres contains all the lib to except 'psutil' to run the application.
The sample service response http://<host_name>:5150/stats NOTE: The Ip changes depend on the system it runs.
"virtual_memory_stat": "62.4",
"time": "1486362932.03",
"docker": [
"admiring_davinci": {
"memory_stats": {
"fields": {
"usage": 164147200,
"limit": 2096275456
"cpu_usage": {
"fields": {
"values": 0
"network_stats": {
"fields": {
"tx_dropped": 0,
"rx_packets": 84,
"rx_bytes": 14618,
"tx_errors": 0,
"rx_errors": 0,
"tx_bytes": 5265,
"rx_dropped": 0,
"tx_packets": 46
"goofy_goldberg": {
"memory_stats": {
"fields": {
"usage": 26066944,
"limit": 2096275456
"cpu_usage": {
"fields": {
"values": 0
"network_stats": {
"fields": {
"tx_dropped": 0,
"rx_packets": 77,
"rx_bytes": 4532,
"tx_errors": 0,
"rx_errors": 0,
"tx_bytes": 1250,
"rx_dropped": 0,
"tx_packets": 17
"hostname": "local",
"disk_stat": "28.4",
"swap_memory_stat": "62.4",
"cpu_stat": "16.0"
Dependent libraries
- psutils
- zmq
- docker
- flask