Noteapp lets you manage your todo list in an efficient way. When hosted, It can help you access your all todos everywhere you want. It lets you to make todos with your home's desktop and access it in your office machine, granny's smart tv, your ipad, iphone and yes... android phone. In a nutshell every device which can access webpages.
- Easy-to-use.
- Opensource: Customise your own theme, add new feature etc..
- Cross-platform: Access your todos on Windows, Linux, Macos, Symbian, chromebook etc..
- Javascript
- INSTALL Dependencies
Download XAMPP from here: XAMPP
Clone files to [drive:\xampp\htdocs]
Setup Database
- Start Apache and MySQL service and Go to localhost on your browser.
- Click to phpmyadmin.
- Create database name : noteapp (Case sensetive)
- goto your database and click on import tab.
- click import and select noteapp.sql file and import table.
- Congratulations! Now site should work perfetcly.