An NMR lineshape/spectrum simulator for python.
The lineshape simulator supports the following:
- Chemical shift anisotropy static spectrum
To install the library, first, download the repository and then run the following in the command line.
python install
Alternatively, to build the library in the current working directory use
python build_ext --inplace
This will print the following
The method computes a static chemical shielding anisotropy (CSA) NMR
lineshape spectrum by applying the powder averaging scheme to the CSA
tensor in the principal axis system (PAS). Note, the CSA tensor is diagonal
in the PAS with three principal components. The following code uses the
Haeberlen convention for the principal components.
The amplitude of the spectrum is evaluated at frequencies which are given by
``freq = np.arange(number_of_points)/number_of_points * frequency_bandwidth + start_frequency``
The code implements the powder averaging scheme by
Alderman, Solum and Grant, J. Chem. Phys, 84, 1985. DOI: 10.1063/1.450211
:attr:haeberlen_values: namedtuple: A namedTuple HaeberlenNotation from
:attr:number_of_points: int: The number of points in the frequency dimension.
:attr:start_frequency: float:The starting frequency.
:attr:frequency_bandwidth float: The spectral width of the frequency spectrum.
:attr:nt: int: The number of equilateral triangle segments along the edge of
an octahedron face. A higher number results in better averaging.
The default is 48.
:returns:freq: A ``Numpy array`` of frequencies.
:returns:amp: A ``Numpy array`` of amplitudes corresponding to the frequencies.
and render a plot (matplotlib is required for the plot).
See also