Releases: deepmodeling/deepflame-dev
Releases · deepmodeling/deepflame-dev
- provide a new boundary condition, totalFlowRateAdvectiveDiffusion (adopted from OpenFOAM v7), which accounts for diffusion effects at the boundary by @maorz1998 in #524
- develop a new solver, dfBuoyancyFoam (adopted from fireFoam), a transient, compressible solver designed to model turbulent reacting flows while incorporating buoyancy effects by @chenzhenyi-123 in #539
- add new combustion models (including infinitelyFastChemistry and eddyDissipationModel) to the dfBuoyancyFoam solver by @chenzhenyi-123 in #538
- add radiation models by @chenzhenyi-123 in #536 and #540, which are integrated into the current dfBuoyancyFoam solver and can be incorporated into other solvers if needed
- imply DeepFlame on Arm architecture platforms by @seeudong in #541, details can be found in README
Bug Fix and Improvements
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0
- reorganize the update order of mass, velocity and temperature for Lagrangian particles and introduce the liquidEvaporationSpalding model as new evaporation model by @pkuLmq in #504
- add source terms for liquid phase in the dfLowMachFoam solver by @pkuLmq in #506
- incorporate Euler-Lagrangian source terms into the dfHighSpeedFoam solver by @pkuLmq in #510 to facilitate numerical simulations of two-phase supersonic reactive flows
- provide new flux schemes (including HLLC and HLLCP) for dfHighSpeedFoam solver (adopted from detonationFoam ) and do some modifications @pkuLmq in #510
- add lagrangianExtraFunctionObjects function (adopted from lagrangianExtraFunctionObjects ) in submodules to write to disk in the old
file format by @pkuLmq in #511 - introduce new cases to evaluate the accuracy of dfHighSpeedFoam solver and provide two-phase 1D/2D detonation cases by @pkuLmq in #510
- add AUSMDV scheme as new flux scheme by @risinyoung in #512
- add compatibility of neural network inference for chemical source terms with the Baidu PaddlePaddle framework by @BiteBytePKU in #500
Bug Fix and Improvements
- adjust original examples referring to the modification of solvers
Build Test
- update PaddlePaddle options for DNN model development and inference in document homepage by @xiao312 in #501
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
- Added optional compile option "--use_ode_gpu_solver" to enable DeepFlame to accelerate ODE solving by GPU when ode_gpu_solver is available by @dangglxxx in #455
Bug Fix and Improvements
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.1.3
- Use diffusion correction only when turbulence type is laminar for dfHighSpeedFoam by @hanli94 in #318
- Add a 2-D temporally evolving jet flame case for dfLowMachFoam by @hanli94 in #354
- Modify torchFunction.H and update examples/df0DFoam/zeroD_cubicReactor/H2/pytorchIntegrator by @dangglxxx in #364
- Yr/see amgx by @STwangyingrui in #382
- add options for thermo DNN by @JX278 in #391
- update flareFGM by @DongWangChina in #397
- Add a 2D supercritical TGV case by @JX278 in #398
- modified to DF-ODENet v0.1 by @risinyoung in #399
- Merge GPU version by @maorz1998 and @STwangyingrui in #403
- Update DNN examples by @hanli94 in #408
- Update tutorial examples by @hanli94 in #411
- Update DeePFGM by @haixiao-stack in #400
Bug Fix and Improvements
- Update Allrun to allow root user by @LefoMount in #311
- Fix bugs when using RK2SSP and RK3SSP and update time statistics in dfHighSpeedFoam by @hanli94 in #315
- Update torchFunctions by @minzhang0929 in #383
- update pytorchFunctions by @minzhang0929 in #384
- optimize calculate_viscosity_kernel by @STwangyingrui in #387
- fix a bug: mixture fraction boundary condition by @JX278 in #407
Build Test
- add the testing network to the df0D case by @JX278 in #386
- add a test for torch by @JX278 in #406
- Update Docs and test by @JX278 in #414
- Update by @xiao312 in #323
- Update install document: df-notorch python=3.8 by @DongWangChina in #334
- Update install.rst by @risinyoung in #368
- Update install.rst by @hanli94 in #376
- Add support for python version agnostic building by @caic99 in #379
- Update index.rst by @hanli94 in #409
- Update by @hanli94 in #410
- Update by @xiao312 in #413
- Update the citation by @JX278 in #415
New Contributors
- @LefoMount made their first contribution in #311
- @DongWangChina made their first contribution in #334
- @dangglxxx made their first contribution in #364
- @risinyoung made their first contribution in #368
- @caic99 made their first contribution in #379
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
- add the validated cuda kernels for ueqn by @STwangyingrui in #239
- introduce new class dfMatrix and construct ueqn matrix with csr format by @maorz1998 in #240
- Gpu by @maorz1998 in #244
- GPU version of YEqn by @maorz1998 in #281
- GPU version of EEqn by @STwangyingrui in #283
- GPU version of UEqn.A and UEqn.H by @maorz1998 in #284
- primary implementation of correctBoundaryConditions on GPU by @maorz1998 in #291
- add fixedValue boundary, debugging by @maorz1998 in #301
- add two submodules by @JX278 in #302
- Update compressibility calculation for real fluid in CanteraMixture.H by @wengzf20 in #303
- Gpu by @maorz1998 in #307
- realize RK2SSP and RK3SSP in dfHighSpeedFoam and add wrate option for chemistry calculation by @pkuLmq in #309
- fixed value by @maorz1998 in #305
- recent modification by @maorz1998 in #253
- initial commit of turbulence->divDevRhoReff(U) by @maorz1998 in #255
Bug Fix and Improvements
- rhoEqn & fix bugs in UEqn by @maorz1998 in #277
- fix bugs in 1.2 by @maorz1998 in #308
- update PaSR by @minzhang0929 in #300
- add calculation of net production rates in dfChemistryModel by @pkuLmq in #304
- DeePFGM-v1.0 by @haixiao-stack in #312
- preliminary refactoring by @maorz1998 in #272
- remove rebundant data transfer between equetions and construct bounda… by @maorz1998 in #286
- several refactors of GPU branch by @STwangyingrui in #289
- optimez gpu yeqn: merge species by @STwangyingrui in #292
- eliminate redundant operations when using UnityLewis to enhance perfo… by @maorz1998 in #294
- update docs, configues, and installation by @maorz1998 in #306
New Contributors
- @STwangyingrui made their first contribution in #239
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
DeepFlame v1.1.5
- fix energy equation and change convection term in dfHighSpeedFoam, add new example for dfHighSpeedFoam by @pkuLmq in #287
- add DeePFGM features by @haixiao-stack in #297
Bug Fix and Improvements
Build Test
- Update EEqn.H, change alphaEff to alpha for laminar by @zhixchen in #293
- Update YEqn.H, rearrange laminar bool by @zhixchen in #295
Full Changelog: v.1.1.4...v1.1.5
DeepFlame v1.1.4
- support absolute enthalpy/energy in CanteraMixture by @OpenFOAMFans in #267
- Create access to the reaction rate of each species involved in a given reaction by @minzhang0929 in #280
Bug Fix and Improvements
- catch error from Cantera and report in OpenFOAM by @wengzf20 in #268
- Convert XML formatted mechanism files to YAML format by @xiao312 in #269
- change "hexRef8" to "hexRef8of" to avoid conflict by @pkuLmq in #279
Build Test
- compile to different folders for opt/dbg by @OpenFOAMFans in #270
Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v.1.1.4
DeepFlame v1.1.3
- Change psiThermo to rhoThermo by @wengzf20 in #256
- Update rho_ in rhoThermo from flareFGM by @wengzf20 in #260
- check whether mechanism exist before Cantera read it, to make error more readable when mechanism file not exist by @OpenFOAMFans in #261
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.1.3
DeepFlame v1.1.2
- add option to source bashrc automatically by @wengzf20 in #250
- update DeepCombustion to Intelligent Combustion by @JX278 in #251
- Update EEqn.H & YEqn.H for dfLowMachFoam and dfSprayFoam by @xiao312 in #247
- adjust function THE in CanteraMixture.C by @pkuLmq in #248
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.1.2
DeepFlame v1.1.1
- Bug fix for convection scheme in EEqn.H by @minzhang0929 in #241
Build Test
- Update by @xiao312 in #235
- Add LOGO to documentation page by @xiao312 in #236
- Change DeepFlame LOGO by @xiao312 in #237
- Add cmake instruction by @JX278 in #238
- Add flareFGM README by @JX278 in #243
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1