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Fork of the original user_saml for ownCloud 5

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This is a manual fork of

This App provide SAML authentication support based on the simpleSAMLphp SP software.



This App require a simpleSAMLphp SP installed, configured and connected to an IdP. To learn how to do this check this documentation:

  • SimpleSAMLphp installation <>_
  • SimpleSAMLphp configuration as an SP <>_


  1. Copy the user_saml folder inside the ownCloud's apps folder and give to apache server privileges on whole the folder.
  2. Access to ownCloud web with an user with admin privileges.
  3. Access to the Appications pannel and enable the SAML app.
  4. Access to the Administration pannel and configure the SAML app.
  5. Take care of session issue. ownCloud 4.5.5 and after version set for ownCloud its own session cookiename and that makes conflicts with simpleSAMLphp. There are 2 solutions for this problem:
  • Set the same cookiename to simpleSAMLphp and ownCloud. Check the value of the 'instanceid' at config/config.php in ownCloud, and set the same value to the 'session.phpsession.cookiename' var of the config/config.php of simpleSAMLphp

  • Use different session handler for ownCloud and simpleSAMLphp, Use memcache or SQL backend in simpleSAMLphp (


  • If you enable the "Autocreate user after saml login" option, then if an user does not exist, will be created. If this option is disabled and the user does not existed then the user will be not allowed to log in ownCloud.

  • If you enable the "Update user data" option, when an existed user enter, then his email and groups will be updated.

    By default the SAML App will unlink all the groups from a user and will provide the group defined at the groupMapping attribute. If the groupMapping is not defined the value of the defaultGroup field will be used instead. If both are undefined, then the user will be set with no groups. But if you configure the "protected groups" field, those groups will not be unlinked from the user.

  • If you want to redirect to any specific app after force the login you can set the url param linktoapp. Also you can pass extra args to build the target url using the param linktoargs (the value must be urlencoded). Ex. ?app=user_saml&linktoapp=files&linktoargs=file%3d%2ftest%2ftest_file.txt%26getfile%3ddownload.php ?app=user_saml&linktoapp=files&linktoargs=dir%3d%2ftest

  • There is a parameter in the settings named force_saml_login to avoid the login form, redirecting directly to the IdP when accesing owncloud. If you are an admin and you want to log in using the login form, then use the GET param admin_login to deactivate the forced redirection.


If you had an older version of this plugin installed and the SAML link no appears at the main view, edit the index.php and set the $RUNTIME_NOAPPS to FALSE;


Fork of the original user_saml for ownCloud 5






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