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A Instance registry for Delphi components


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Delphi Registry

The management and administration component for the Delphi platform. The registry provides a REST interface for querying the current state of your Delphi setup as well as for changing it.

We are currently in pre-alpha state! There is no release and the code in this repository is purely experimental!

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What is the registry component?

The Delphi registry is a server that provides access to all information and operations needed to set up, run and manage the Delphi system. By default, the REST interface is exposed at, and contains endpoints for:

  • Retrieving a list of all instances of a certain type (Crawler, WebApi, WebApp, ElasticSearch)
  • Retrieving the whole network graph (all instances and links between instances)
  • Deploying new instances of a certain type to a docker host
  • Starting / Stopping / Pausing / Resuming / Deleting instances deployed on the docker host
  • Re-Assigning dependencies to instances (e.g. assigning a certain ElasticSearch instance to a Crawler)

Easy Installation Guide

Quick Setup (Linux)

Potentially there two different machines involved in the registry setup, the Docker host machine (Docker Host) and the machine the registry is hosted at (Registry Host). However, you can also use the same machine for hosting both applications.

Docker Host Setup

On the Docker Host, execute the following steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your machine
  2. Execute the setup script Setup/
  3. Deploy ElasticSearch by executing docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node"
  4. Expose your Docker HTTP api on port 9095
    • Execute sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
    • Change the line that starts with ExecStart to look like this: ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H=tcp://
    • Save your changes and execute systemctl daemon-reload and sudo service docker restart
  5. Note down the IP address of your machine in the LAN ( execute ifconfig )

Registry Host Setup

On the Registry Host, execute the following steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine
  2. Note down the IP address of your machine in the LAN ( execute ifconfig )
  3. Edit the configuration file located at src/main/scala/de/upb/cs/swt/delphi/instanceregistry/Configuration.scala
    • Set traefikUri to http://<DOCKER-HOST-IP-HERE>:80
    • Set defaultElasticSearchInstanceHost to http://<DOCKER-HOST-IP-HERE>
    • Set uriInLocalNetwork to http://<REGISTRY-HOST-IP-HERE>:8087
    • Set dockerUri to http://<DOCKER-HOST-IP-HERE>:9095
    • Set jwtSecretKey to a secret password not known to anybody else
  4. Save your changes. Navigate to the root folder of the repository and execute the application by calling sbt run

The setup of the registry is now complete. You should now be able to connect to the registry component at http://<REGISTRY-HOST-IP-HERE>:8087. You can verify your setup by calling curl <REGISTRY-HOST-IP-HERE>:8087/configuration, which should lead to a 401 Unauthorized response. To find out more about how to authorize yourself, please have look at the Authorization section of this document.


In order to compile or execute the instance registry, you must have the latest version of the Scala Build Tool (SBT) installed. You can get it here.

The Delphi registry requires a docker host to deploy containers. The following images must be registered at the docker registry:

  • The Delphi Crawler ( delphi-crawler:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT )
  • The Delphi WebApi ( delphi-webapi:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT )
  • The Delphi WebApp ( delphi-webapp:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT )


For Windows users, to obtain these images, checkout the respective repositories (here, here and here) and execute the command

sbt docker:publishLocal

inside their root directory. This will build the docker images and register them directly at the local docker registry.


For Linux users, checkout Delphi Registry repository and execute the command

sudo bash ./

inside the /Setup directory. This installation script will create the required repositories, build the docker images, and register them directly at the local docker registry. The registry requires an initial instance of ElasticSearch to be running.

Configuration of Traefik

To allow access to Delphi components deployed via Docker, the registry supports the reverse-proxy Traefik. While it is running, it will automatically detected containers deployed by the registry, and provide access to them using the host specified in each instances' Host attribute. Windows users can install Traefik (using Docker) based on this tutorial. For Linux users, Traefik will be installed and started by the installation script mentioned above.

Note: Traefik must be running inside the same Docker network as the containers it is associated with. By default the name for this network is expected to be delphi. Windows users have to manually create it using docker network create delphi before starting Traefik. If you want to change this network name, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to docker-compose.yml file (for Windows: Create during tutorial; for Linux found in /Setup)

  2. Change the item services->traefik->networks to your new network name

  3. Change the item networks->delphi->external:true to networks->your-network-name->external:true. Save and close the file

  4. Change the ````traefikDockerNetwork`` setting in the configuration file to your new network name (see section below for details)

Adapt the configuration file

Before you can start the application, you have to make sure your configuration file contains valid data. The file can be found at src/main/scala/de/upb/cs/swt/delphi/instanceregistry/Configuration.scala, and most of its attributes are string or integer values. The following table describes the attributes in more detail.

Attribute Type Default Value Explanation
bindHost String "" Host address that the registry server should be bound to
bindPort Int 8087 Port that the registry server should be reachable at
traefikBaseHost String "" The host part of the URL that traefik is configured to append to instance URLs.
traefikDockerNetwork String "delphi" The Docker network Traefik is configured to use.
traefikUri String "" The URI that the Traefik reverse-proxy is hosted at.
defaultCrawlerPort Int 8882 Port that Delphi Crawlers are reachable at. This may only be adapted if you manually changed the default port of crawlers before registering the respective image.
defaultWebApiPort Int 8080 Port that Delphi WebAPIs are reachable at. This may only be adapted if you manually changed the default port of WebAPIs before registering the respective image.
defaultWebAppPort Int 8085 Port that Delphi WebApps are reachable at. This may only be adapted if you manually changed the default port of WebApps before registering the respective image.
crawlerDockerImageName String "delphi-crawler:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" Name of the Docker image for Delphi Crawlers. May only be changed if you manually specified a different name when creating the image.
webApiDockerImageName String "delphi-webapi:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" Name of the Docker image for Delphi WebAPIs. May only be changed if you manually specified a different name when creating the image.
webAppDockerImageName String "delphi-webapp:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" Name of the Docker image for Delphi WebApps. May only be changed if you manually specified a different name when creating the image.
defaultElasticSearchInstanceHost String "elasticsearch://" Host that the default ElasticSearch instance is located at.
defaultElasticSearchInstancePort Int 9200 Port that the default ElasticSearch instance is reachable at.
uriInLocalNetwork String "" URI that the registry is reachable at for all docker containers. In most of the use-cases this is going to be the gateway of the default docker bridge.
Note: For OSX you have to set this value to the DNS name of the docker host, which is http://host.docker.internal:8087 (If the registry is running on the host).
maxLabelLength Int 50 Maximum number of characters for instance labels. Longer labels will be rejected.
dockerOperationTimeout Timeout Timeout(20 seconds) Default timeout for docker operations. If any of the async Docker operations (deploy, stop, pause, ..) takes longer than this, it will be aborted.
dockerUri String http://localhost:9095 Default uri to connect to docker. It will be used if the environment variable DELPHI_DOCKER_HOST is not specified.
jwtSecretKey String changeme Secret key to use for JWT signature (HS256). This setting can be overridden by specifying the JWT_SECRET environment variable.
useInMemoryInstanceDB Boolean true If set to true, all instance data will be kept in memory instead of using a MySQL database.
instanceDatabaseHost String "jdbc:mysql://localhost/" Host that the MySQL instance database is reachable at (only necessary if useInMemoryInstanceDB is false).
instanceDatabaseName String "" Name of the MySQL instance database to use (only necessary if useInMemoryInstanceDB is false).
instanceDatabaseDriver String "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" Driver to use for the MySQL connection (only necessary if useInMemoryInstanceDB is false).
instanceDatabaseUsername String "" Username to use for the MySQL instance DB connection (only necessary if useInMemoryInstanceDB is false).
instanceDatabasePassword String "" Password to use for the MySQL instance DB connection (only necessary if useInMemoryInstanceDB is false).
useInMemoryAuthDB Boolean true If set to true, all user data will be kept in memory instead of using a MySQL database.
authDatabaseHost String "jdbc:mysql://localhost/" Host that the MySQL users database is reachable at (only necessary if useInMemoryAuthDB is false).
authDatabaseName String "" Name of the MySQL user database to use (only necessary if useInMemoryAuthDB is false).
authDatabaseDriver String "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" Driver to use for the MySQL users DB connection (only necessary if useInMemoryAuthDB is false).
authDatabaseUsername String "" Username to use for the MySQL users DB connection (only necessary if useInMemoryAuthDB is false).
authDatabasePassword String "" Password to use for the MySQL users DB connection (only necessary if useInMemoryAuthDB is false).
authenticationValidFor Int 30 Default duration that user tokens are valid for (in minutes).
maxTotalNoRequest Int 2000 Maximum number of requests that are allowed to be executed during the current refresh period regardless of their origin.
maxIndividualIpReq Int 200 Maximum number of requests that are allowed to be executed during the current refresh period for one specific origin ip.
ipLogRefreshRate FiniteDuration 2.minutes Duration of the log refresh period.

Docker configuration

By default, Docker is expected to be reachable at http://localhost:9095 (see configuration attribute defaultDockerUri above), but you can override this setting by specifying the docker host URI in the environment variable DELPHI_DOCKER_HOST. You can also change the port that your Docker HTTP service is hosted on by executing the steps below on the Docker host machine.

Docker configuration for Linux

To change the port to 9095, go to the docker service file:

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/docker.service

Change the line that starts with ExecStart to look like this:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H=tcp://

Save your changes, close the editor and execute

systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service docker restart

Docker configuration for OSX

Docker does not expose it's HTTP api on OSX for security reasons (as described here), but you can run a docker container to redirect the API calls. To accept calls on your local machine's port 9095, execute:

docker run -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p bobrik/socat TCP-LISTEN:1234,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/docker.sock

Running Registry application

There are two ways of running the registry application. You can either run the application directly, or build a docker image defined by the build.sbt file, and run a container based on this image. Either way, you have to set the correct configuration values before starting the application (see section Adapt the configuration file above for more information). Make sure the Docker images of all Delphi components are present at the host's registry, as described in the Requirements section.

Note: For OSX you have to set Java's prefereIPv4Stack option to true before executing any of the steps below. In order to do so, execute export _JAVA_OPTIONS="" in the terminal before calling sbt.

Run the registry directly

If you want to execute the registry directly on your local machine, simply go to the root folder of the repository and execute sbt run. The application will stream all logging output to the terminal. You can terminate any time by pressing RETURN.

Run the registry in Docker

Before creating an Docker image from the registry, make sure that all the network settings in the configuration file are set correctly in regards to the Docker networking infrastructure. Especially the settings dockerUri and uriInLocalNetwork are important. On Linux Docker Containers can connect to their host using the default Docker network gateway (, on OSX the host has a defined DNS name (host.docker.internal).

For Windows users, to build a docker image containing the registry, go to the root folder of the repository and execute sbt docker:publishLocal. This will build the application, create a docker image named delphi-registry:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, and register the image at your local docker registry.
For Linux users, the installation script mentioned in Requirements section will create docker image for registry named delphi-registry:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, and registers the image at your local docker registry.


This application relies on JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) using the HMAC with SHA-256 (HS256) algorithm for authorization purposes. A valid, base64-encoded token must be put into the Authorization header of every HTTP request that is being issued to the registry. The HTTP header must look like this:

Authorization: Bearer <JWT>

You can find more about JWTs here. To create valid JWTs for this application, the following fields have to be specified:

Attribute Type Explanation
iat (Issued at) Int Time this token was issued at. Specified in seconds since Jan 01 1970.
nbf (Not valid before) Int Time this token becomes valid at. Specified in seconds since Jan 01 1970.
exp (Expiration time) Int Time this token expires at. Specified in seconds since Jan 01 1970.
user_id String Id of the user this token was issued to.
user_type String Type of user that this token was issued to. Valid values are Admin (full access), User (read access) and Component (access to report operations).

Please note that values of type Int must not be surrounded by quotation marks.

The secret key that is used for validating the tokens can either be set in the configuration file (see section below), or by setting the envirnment variable JWT_SECRET. The default value is changeme and has to be replaced for productive use!

You can create tokens for development purposes using the JWT debugger at The following token is valid for the default key changeme until end of march, and belongs to a user called DebugUser of user type Admin. Only use it for development purposes!


Using the above token, a valid call to the registry at localhost:8087 using curl looks like this:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1NDcxMDYzOTksIm5iZiI6MTU0NzEwNjM5OSwiZXhwIjoxNTU0MDE0Nzk5LCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiRGVidWdVc2VyIiwidXNlcl90eXBlIjoiQWRtaW4ifQ.TeDa8JkFANVEufPaxXv3AXSojcaiKdOlBKeU5cLaHpg" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"ComponentType":"WebApi"}' localhost:8087/instances/deploy


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The Delphi registry is open source and available under Apache 2 License.

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