Api-class javascript:
There are three classes: 1/ Storylist: getStories() automatically get the stories from list addStory(): user can add a user story removeStory(): user remove specific story updateStory(): user can update story (not finishes yet)
2/User: constructor: give basic user class information create():create account and alert error login():user login getloggedInuser(): if user logged in stayed logged in, get the token retriveDetails: get the user's all information( for further functions()) updateUser: user can update their inforamtion (not finished yet) deleteUser: user can delete their information (not finished yet) addFavorites(): add favorite story to user removefavorite(): remove the favorite story
3/Story: constructor: basic story logic update(): can update story (not finished)
Ui.js: when the page load: decalre and find all section at the start show profile: make the nav bar for loggind user updateProfile(): update userprofile section loginForm on "click: we submit the information can call login function the same way: create account form login/logout view
css ideas:
color id: Light green: E9EA7C Dark green: AED162 Green 7ECA8E Medium Green 70C18A 98D4C3 59BBA1
hover: larger font and give it more bright color