The latest version of halium and pm-rootfs doesn't boot normally on Nexus 5 (hammerhead), so I try to downgrade to the old version of halium and pm-rootfs to resolve boot loop issue and rootfs load issue. After testing, the last combination that can be booted normally is as follows:
- halium (20170623-085147) boot.img:
- halium (20181029-111411) system.img:
- pm-rootfs-20180524-110808:
Tool for Flashing CM+PM as LXC Container
- Waits for device to be in fastboot mode,
- Downloads twrp recovery and flashes into recovery
- Boots into recovery
- Downloads and pushes it to /cache
- Creates command file with
- pushes it to /cache/recovery/command
- Reboots into recovery
- recovery installs
- reboots in system
- Installs lxc and plasma rootfs
To run..
git clone
cd pm-flashtool
Without options pm-flash script downloads all files again, pass '-c' to let it use cache instead
./ -c
a) Downloads the files required in ~/.cache/plasmaphone b) Flashes cyanogenmod c) Puts togather lxc and plasma rootfs
After that you can run
adb root
adb shell
lxc-start -n system -F
to get login console and plasma started
See instructions here :