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Command Reference

All commands are subcommands of the /chess command. Commands can all be abbreviated to the shortest unique form, e.g. /chess c g is equivalent to /chess create game.

Admin commands

If you're using Permissions, you need to have either chesscraft.admin or chesscraft.commands.(command) to run these commands. If you're not using Permissions, you must be an Op.

/chess create board board-name [-style style-name] [-pstyle style-name]

Create a new chessboard. board-name is the unique identifier for the board.

If you want to use a non-default board style, also specify -style style-name. E.g. /chess create board2 -style Open

If you want to use a non-default piece style (i.e. a style other than what the board definition file specifies), you can also specify -pstyle style-name, where style-name is the name of a chess set definition file. E.g. /chess create board3 -style Open -pstyle twist

Take great care with this command in developed areas. It is possible to destroy a lot of work with a carelessly placed board. Experiment in safe areas (unused wilderness, high in the air, out at sea, deep underground...) first.

/chess delete board board-name

Delete a chessboard. The board must not have a game on it (you can use /chess delete game first if necessary). The entire board (including frame and enclosure) will be replaced by air, or if you have WorldEdit installed (and also had it installed when the board was created) the original terrain will be restored.

/chess delete game game-name

Deletes a game, effectively abandoning it. Only admins can do this - if you don't have admin privileges and want to delete a game you created or are playing in, you can end it by either resigning or agreeing a draw with the other player.

Note: there is one condition where you may use /chess delete game without having the chess.admin privilege: if the game was created by you and has not yet started.

/chess redraw [board-name]

Forces a repaint of all chessboards and game pieces. This might be useful if blocks have been damaged somehow (default config prevents blocks being destroyed normally but does not protect against editing by plugins such as WorldEdit).

With an argument, force a redraw of just that board.

/chess setcfg key val

/chess getcfg [key]

Sets or gets a configuration item. See ConfigFile for details.

/chess save

Saves all game state to disk immediately. If the autosave config item is true (see ConfigFile) then this should not be needed under normal circumstances.

/chess reload {ai|config|persist}

Reload AI definitions, configuration or saved game state, respectively. This might be useful if you need to manually modify the game state but take extreme care: incorrect modification could lead to loss of data.

Player commands

If you're using Permissions, you need to have either chesscraft.basic or chesscraft.commands.(command) to run these commands. If you're not using any permissions plugin, all users will be able to use these commands.

/chess create game [game-name] [board-name]

Create a new game. One or both of the game name and board name can be omitted. If the board name is omitted, ChessCraft will use the first free board it finds to host your game. If the game name is omitted, ChessCraft will generate a unique game name based on your player name and a number, e.g. desht-1, desht-2, etc.

You can also use the Create Game button on the board's control panel.

/chess list board [board-name]

Lists all chessboards. With board-name, shows detailed information for the named board.

The Board Info on each board's control panel will also show detailed information for that board.

/chess list game [game-name]

Lists all games. With game-name, shows detailed information for the named game.

The Game Info on each board's control panel will also show detailed information for that game.

/chess game [game-name]

Sets or displays the active game for a player.

Many ChessCraft commands use the concept of an 'active game'. ChessCraft allows players to have more than one game in progress at a time, so it needs a way of tracking which game is the player's active game. The active game is set when you create a game or join a game, but to change it at any time, you can use /chess game game-name.

/chess game with no game-name displays the player's currently active game.

/chess stake

(Only available if you have a supported Economy plugin)

Set the stake for the current game. This can only be done after you have created the game, but before you invite the other player.

There is also a Stake button on each board's control panel which can be used to increase or decrease the game's stake. Left-click to increase it, right-click to decrease it. Holding down Shift (sneaking) will increase/decrease the stake by a smaller amount; the increments are controlled by the stake.smallIncrement and stake.largeIncrement config items.

See also ConfigFile and Economy

/chess invite [player-name]

This command invites a player to your current game. If you omit player-name, the invitation is considered open - a message is broadcast to the server informing everyone that they can join the game.

There are also Invite Player and Invite ANYONE buttons on each board's control panel. Invite Player just displays a reminder of the command syntax for inviting a player.

/chess join [game-name]

This command joins a game that someone has invited you to. If the invitation was for you only, you can type just /chess join, omitting the game name (this is because ChessCraft has already made the game your active game - see above). If the invitation was open (i.e. to the entire server), you will need to include the game name that was announced - in this case the game will become your active game when you join.

/chess start

This command starts your active game, once it has two players. Once this is done, pieces can be moved, and the game state will be shown as RUNNING by /chess list game.

You can also use the Start Game button on each board's control panel.

/chess move from to

Make a chess move in your active game. from and to are board squares in standard algebraic notation (i.e. a1 is White's left-hand Rook square). The space between from and to can be omitted, e.g. /chess move e2 e4 and /chess move e2e4 are both accepted.

You can also move by right-clicking one of your pieces, and then right-clicking a board square or opposing piece.

/chess offer draw

Offer a draw to the opposing player. That player will be prompted to accept or decline the offer by typing /chess yes or /chess no.

You can also use the Offer Draw button on each board's control panel. Additionally, the Yes and No buttons will light up if a Yes/No response is expected of you.

/chess offer swap

Offer to swap sides with the opposing player. That player will be prompted to accept or decline the offer by typing /chess yes or /chess no.

/chess promote

Set your pawn promotion preference for the current game. piece-name may be one of N, B, R, Q for Knight, Bishop, Rook & Queen respectively. Note that this applies to the current game only, not all your games.

The default promotion piece is a Queen.

There is also a Pawn Promotion button for each player on each board's control panel which displays the current promotion preference. Clicking this button will cycle through the four possible promotion pieces.

/chess resign

Resign the game, ending it immediately.

You can also use the Resign button on each board's control panel.

/chess win

Attempt to win by default. This can only be done if your opponent has logged out of Minecraft for at least a certain number of seconds (default: 60, see the forfeit_timeout config item in ConfigFile).

/chess tp [game-name]

Teleport around all the chess games on the server.

With a game-name, teleports you to the named game.

With no game-name, teleports you back to your previous location. If you have no "previous location" and are standing on a chessboard (e.g. you just logged in), tries to teleport you to a safe spot outside the board you are on.

Note that if your boards are not enclosed (i.e. you're using a board style with enclosure set to air), this could be used by players as a free teleport around the world, which may or may not be desirable.

There is also a Teleport Out button on each board's control panel which will teleport you off the board as described above.

/chess archive

Write a PGN-format archive of the game. The archive folder is plugins/ChessCraft/archive under your Bukkit directory. The file name is derived from playername-date-N, where N is an integer to ensure the file name is unique.