Note: Locally there is no certificate so use http://
# Clone project
git clone
# Create env-file.
cp .env.example
# Build and start containers
docker compose build dev
docker compose up -d dev
# Move inside dev container
docker compose exec dev sh
# Install composer dependencies
composer install
# Build theme assets
cd web/app/themes/hkih
npm install
npm run build
# Create database
docker compose exec db mysqladmin create wordpress
docker compose exec dev sh
# ... then, in dev shell run
wp core multisite-install --url=http://localhost:8080 --title=xyz --admin_user=root --admin_password=root [email protected] --skip-email
# Verify the site works by login into admin
open http://localhost:8080/wp-login.php
# Verify the site works by visiting the site
open http://localhost:8080/wp-login.php
# The project requires the following plugins to work, which must be purchased separately as it does not come with the project.
- (Not tested with free version)
- Install plugins under mu-plugins folder
# Activate HKIH theme
My sites > Network Admin > Sites
Edit localhost:8080 site > Themes > HKIH (enable)
# Activate HKIH theme to XYZ site
My sites > xyz > Dashboard
Appearance > Theme > HKIH (Activate)
# Activate plugins