What's Changed
✨ Implemented enhancements
- Add SponsorLink by @kzu in #166
- Allow constants to request a root area different than Constants by @kzu in #168
- Improve Path Sanitization by @viceroypenguin in #161
- Add ThisAssembly.Git, leveraging Microsoft.SourceLink and ThisAssembly.Constants by @kzu in #169
- Add ThisAssembly.Git to ThisAssembly meta-package by @kzu in #174
- When building locally, default branch to HEAD by @kzu in #176
- Don't generate duplicate code for localized resources by @kzu in #177
- Deduplicate project properties before generation by @kzu in #178
- Bump to more optimal sponsorlink checks by @kzu in #180
- Improve experience with empty values before first build by @kzu in #181
- Improve detection of supported SourceLink Git provider by @kzu in #185
- Downgrade CodeAnalysis dependency to allow running on older compilers by @kzu in #187
- Bump to CDN-optimized SponsorLink by @kzu in #189
🐛 Fixed bugs
Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v1.2.4