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Mr Krabs Money Class Documentation

"MONEY! MONEY! MONEY!" - Mr. Krabs 🦀

A type-safe class for handling monetary values in TypeScript, preventing floating-point precision errors by storing amounts as cents in BigInt.

Key Features

  • Precise decimal calculations
  • Safe arithmetic operations
  • Immutable value semantics
  • Formatting utilities
  • Comparison methods

Creating Money Objects

static fromDollars(amount: number): Money

Creates a Money instance from a dollar amount.

// Mr. Krabs calculating his daily revenue
const dailyRevenue = Money.fromDollars(496.99);
console.log(dailyRevenue.format()); // "496.99"

static fromCents(cents: number | bigint): Money

Creates a Money instance from a cent amount.

// Mr. Krabs counting every last cent from the register
const penniesFound = Money.fromCents(4242);
console.log(penniesFound.format()); // "42.42"

static zero(): Money

Creates a Money instance with zero value.

// Starting Mr. Krabs' daily profits counter
let dailyProfits =;


add(other: Money | number): Money

Adds another monetary value.

// Mr. Krabs calculating Krabby Patty sales
const pattyPrice = Money.fromDollars(5.99);
let totalSales =;

// After selling 3 Krabby Patties
console.log(totalSales.format()); // "17.97"

subtract(other: Money | number): Money

Subtracts another monetary value.

// Mr. Krabs calculating profits after paying SpongeBob
const revenue = Money.fromDollars(1000);
const spongebobSalary = Money.fromDollars(7.25);

const profit = revenue.clone().subtract(spongebobSalary);
console.log(profit.format()); // "992.75"

multiply(factor: number): Money

Multiplies the amount by a factor.

// Mr. Krabs calculating a week's worth of profits
const dailyProfit = Money.fromDollars(100);
const weeklyProfit = dailyProfit.clone().multiply(7);
console.log(weeklyProfit.format()); // "700.00"

Getters and Formatting

dollars: number

Gets the amount in dollars as a number.

const safe = Money.fromDollars(10000);
console.log(`Mr. Krabs has $${safe.dollars} in his safe!`);

asCents: bigint

Gets the raw cent amount as a BigInt.

const penny = Money.fromCents(1);
console.log(`A penny is worth ${penny.asCents} cent`);

format(): string

Formats the amount as a string with 2 decimal places.

// Mr. Krabs writing his ledger
const tip = Money.fromDollars(3.50);
console.log(`Tip received: $${tip.format()}`);

Comparison Methods

equals(other: Money): boolean

Checks if two monetary values are equal.

// Mr. Krabs checking if he got exact change
const price = Money.fromDollars(9.99);
const paid = Money.fromDollars(10.00);
console.log(price.equals(paid)); // false

greaterThan(other: Money): boolean

Checks if this amount is greater than another.

// Mr. Krabs comparing today's profits with yesterday's
const today = Money.fromDollars(531.42);
const yesterday = Money.fromDollars(489.99);
if (today.greaterThan(yesterday)) {
    console.log("Arg arg arg! Better than yesterday!");

lessThan(other: Money): boolean

Checks if this amount is less than another.

// Mr. Krabs checking if he's losing money
const expenses = Money.fromDollars(100);
const income = Money.fromDollars(95);
if (income.lessThan(expenses)) {
    console.log("We're losing money! SPONGEBOB!");

State Checking

isZero(): boolean

Checks if the amount is zero.

// Mr. Krabs checking the register
const register =;
if (register.isZero()) {
    console.log("EMPTY REGISTER! WHO TOOK ME MONEY?!");

isNegative(): boolean

Checks if the amount is negative.

// Mr. Krabs checking his bottom line
const balance = Money.fromDollars(-10);
if (balance.isNegative()) {
    console.log("We're in the red! Cut everyone's salary!");

isPositive(): boolean

Checks if the amount is positive.

// Mr. Krabs checking if there's any profit
const profit = Money.fromDollars(0.01);
if (profit.isPositive()) {
    console.log("At least we made something! Arg arg arg!");

Best Practices

  1. Always use clone() when you need to perform calculations on a copy
  2. Use fromDollars() for user input and fromCents() for internal calculations
  3. Always compare Money objects using the provided comparison methods
  4. Use format() when displaying values to users