This engine is being develop in order to create an open source game using WEBGL HTML5 standard, the objective is to use canvas to render diferent particles interaction that spawns from the player, the player being a something like a comet that accelerates on a horizontal map, avoiding obstacles and crushing others.
This game will be for free, open source, and its supported by MCAST®
Update 0.1 :
- Changed rendering method from "SetInterval" to "RequestAnimationFrame", for performance and estability reasons.
<li> Texturized meshes now in place.</li>
<li> Configuration class file now working properly.</li>
<li> Added camera controls and follow camera on player, controls are :
<li> PageUp : Move camera away</li>
<li> PageDown : Move camera closer </li>
<li> Home : Rotate and move away </li>
<li> Del : Rotate and move closer </li>
<li> Added an interface on the site of the game via div's.</li>
<li> Changed cursor to crosshair.</li>
<li style="color:red;"> Need to create a Map designer for this game, any thoughts are welcome ^_^ </li>