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Season 3

Glassow edited this page Jul 10, 2024 · 38 revisions

Home > [Game Mechanics] > [Seasons] > [Season 3]

Universe Settings & changes

  • Upgraded Battle Engine
  • Homeworld Size - 400 Fields
  • Free colonization - 15 planet limit (No Astro)
  • Inactivity - Disabled
  • Production Speed - 5x
  • Build Speed - 10x
  • Fleet Speed - 2x
  • JG Cooldown Speed - 2x
  • Research Speed - 20x
  • IRN - x2
  • Max Ship Build - 3 / second
  • Deut Base Production Increased
  • Debris Field 35%
  • Fleet Rebuild 0%
  • Defense Rebuild 85%
  • Max Moon Chance 50%


  1. Every 60 minutes players who have built the below buildings will receive free ship(s) at the planet or moon which has the building:
  • lv 6 Shipyard: 3 Light Fighter
  • lv 9 Shipyard: 1 Heavy Fighter
  • lv 12 Shipyard: 2 Cruiser, 2 Light Fighter
  • lv 5 Nanite: 2 Battleship
  • lv 10 Nanite: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser
  1. Alliances will now be able to unlock a harvesting bonus by building the Alliance Depot. When maxed out the alliance will passively receive up to an additional 35% DF of all member combats in the previous hour which resulted in a victory. Each member will receive more resources for each level of the depot, up to level 10. The 35% DF will first be split up to equal amounts for each alliance member, then each member will receive a portion of the DF for each 2 levels of the depot they have. In Example, if a 10 member alliance receives 100k, each member could get 10k, and would receive 2k for each 2 levels of their depot. This DF bonus will not return resources in proportion to the DF created at combat, instead it will return resources in a 3:2:1 ratio equal to the DF amount without conversion. i.e. 100 metal DF becomes 50 / 33 / 16

  2. Additionally, phalanx has been retrofitted to instantly identify debris throughout the universe. Innovations in moonbase design have enabled players to retrieve and process identified materials. Moons with a phalanx enabled will periodically harvest resources left behind by fleets in combat across the entire universe. Any moon with a phalanx installed will generate resources each hour from destroyed fleets across the universe, increasing with each level of the moon base. Every hour, 25% of all losses in combat in the previous 60 minutes will be distributed between all moons with atleast level 1 phalanx. Moons with higher level moon bases will receive proportionatly more resources.

  3. NEW NPCS:

  • TRADER. The Trader will have planets and moons distributed throughout the galaxy in positions 1, 8, and 15. Periodically, all resources on the trader's moons will be converted at a 3:2:1 ratio to the following, Slot 1 - Crystal, Slot 8 - Metal, Slot 15 - Deuterium. Additionally, all resources on the planet will automatically be relocated to the moons. Players may transport resources to the moon to have it automatically converted. Then players must raid the moon to retreive the resources.
  • ALCHEMIST. The Alchemist will have 3 planets in the galaxy occupying positions 1, 8, and 15. Periodically, a small PERCENTAGE of all resources on its moons will be converted at 9:6:1 ratio to the following, Slot 1 - Crystal, Slot 8 - Metal, Slot 15 - Deuterium. Additionally, all resources on the planet will automatically be relocated to the moons. Players may transport resources to the mon to have it automatically converted. Then players must raid the moon to retreive the resources.
  1. NPC Updates:
  • ENVOY will no longer give passive gifts to players.
  • ENVOY fleets will deploy at random to new positions in the universe.
  • ENVOY planets will have 50% more fleet.
  • ENVOY planets will have 25% less resources.
  • PIRATES will be deactivated.
  • ALIENS will randomly target a planet or moon out of a list of the top 100 entities with fleet or resources. It will then attack that planet or moon. Aliens use special warp technology which enables them to instantly teleport their fleets to within 30 minutes of any entity in the galaxy and then disappear without a trace.
    • Aliens fleets will always be 2x the total points of its target. Fleets will be a ratio of 9LF / 3CR / 2BS / 1DS
    • Aliens combat technologies will each be equal to that of the highest player in the universe modified by invasion outcomes.
    • Alien fleets will disappear without a trace after the attack (they will not return to origin planet/moon)
    • Alien fleets will never safety probe, recall, or modify their attack in any way.
  • ALIENS will receive +5 combat technoloy if they win an incursion and -2 if they lose.
  • ALIENS incursion will be adjusted so that 2x more colonies spawn at a 2x slower rate.
  1. Astro Technology will increase player knowledge of the universe enabling the following passive bonuses PER level:
  • Deuterium production on all planets equal to a Deuterium Synthesizer with 150% production (on a 30C Planet)
  • Increase in planet diameter / day
  1. Additional code will be refactored to calculate on a % of total players rather than static numbers. More details will be released as specific changes are made. This should have little to no effect on gameplay.


  • Fleet/Defense Factor - 0x
  • Total Destroyed Factor - 5x
  • Efficiency Factor (Destroyed/Lost) - 10x
  • Recycler Count - 1x
  • All other factors - 1X

Season 3 Prizes

Season 3 will be a cash only season. All terms and conditions apply (only payable through paypal or venmo).

1st place - 500$

2nd place - 250$

3rd place - 125$

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