###1. Requirements###
To build BLASR, you must have hdf 1.8.0 or above installed and configured with c++ support (you should have the library libhdf5_cpp.a). If you are intalling the entire PacBio secondary analysis software suite, appropriate hdf libraries are already distributed and no configuration is necessary. Otherwise, it is necessary to point two environment variables, HDF5INCLUDEDIR and HDF5LIBDIR to the locations of the HDF5 libraries.
For example:
export HDF5INCLUDEDIR=/usr/include/hdf
export HDF5LIBDIR=/usr/lib/hdf
###2. Build the source tree###
###3. The executable will be in alignment/bin/blasr###
cd alignment/bin/blasr
##Running BLASR##
Typing blasr -h or blasr -help on the command line will give you a list of options. At the least, provide a fasta, fastq, or bas.h5 file, and a genome.
Some typical use cases:
Align reads from reads.bas.h5 to ecoli_K12 genome, and output in SAM format.
blasr reads.bas.h5 ecoli_K12.fasta -sam
Same as above, but with soft clipping
blasr reads.bas.h5 ecoli_K12.fasta -sam -clipping soft
Create sam output that may be used to resolve structural variation using local assembly
blasr reads.bas.h5 ecoli_K12.fasta -sam -clipping subread -bestn 2
Use multiple threads
blasr reads.bas.h5 ecoli_K12.fasta -sam -clipping soft -out alignments.sam -nproc 16
Include a larger minimal match, for faster but less sensitive alignments
blasr reads.bas.h5 ecoli_K12.fasta -sam -clipping soft -minMatch 15
Produce alignments in a pairwise human readable format
blasr reads.bas.h5 ecoli_K12.fasta -m 0
Use a precomputed suffix array for faster startup
sawriter hg19.fasta.sa hg19.fasta #First precompute the suffix array blasr reads.bas.h5 hg19.fasta -sa hg19.fasta.sa
Map assembled contigs (multiple megabases) to a reference
blasr human.ctg.fasta hg19.fasta -sa hg19.fasta.sa -rbao -minMatch 40 -advanceExactMatches 40 -noRefineAlignments -affineAlign -affineOpen 100 -affineExtend 0
Use a precomputed BWT-FM index for smaller runtime memory footprint, but slower alignments.
sa2bwt hg19.fasta hg19.fasta.sa hg19.fasta.bwt blasr reads.bas.h5 hg19.fasta -bwt hg19.fasta.bwt
The multiple output formats of blasr conform to different applications, and as such the meanings of columns are not consistent. The most universally compatible output is the SAM format, specified by ''-sam''. Alignments reported on the reverse strand may be converted to the forward strand using forward_start = length - reverse_end, reverse_start = length - forward_start.
-m 0
A human readable version
-m 1
1. | query name |
2. | ref contig name |
3. | query strand |
4. | ref strand |
5. | align score |
6. | alignment percent identity |
7. | ref align start |
8. | ref align end |
9. | ref length |
10. | query align start |
11. | query align end |
12. | query length |
13. | alignment space usage |
Reverse strand alignments are reported starting at the 3' end of the reverse strand.
-m 2
XML based output. Reverse strand alignments are reported starting at the 3' end of the reverse strand.
- -m 3
VULGAR alignment format from EXONERATE (deprecated)
- -m 4
1. | query name |
2. | ref contig name |
3. | align score |
4. | alignment percent identity |
5. | query strand |
6. | query align start |
7. | query align end |
8. | query length |
9. | ref strand |
10. | ref align start |
11. | ref align end |
12. | ref length |
13. | alignment space usage |
14. | mapping quality |
-m 5
This alignment format contains the full representation of the pairwise alignment of the two sequences in a verbose (easily parsed) stick format.
1. | query name |
2. | query length |
3. | query align start |
4. | query align end |
5. | query strand |
6. | ref name |
7. | ref length |
8. | ref align start |
9. | ref align end |
10. | ref strand |
11. | score |
12. | nMatch |
13. | nMismatch |
14. | nIns |
15. | nDel |
16. | mapping quality |
17. | ref align string |
18. | query align string |
19. | stick string |
20. | ref align string |
For reverse strand alignments, the coordinates are reported starting at the 3' end of the forward strand.