SignalK plugin to push deltas to MongoDB Atlas (or any compatible HTTP endpoint)
The plugin is designed for batch writes to a cloud hosted MongoDB Atlas data base. It could also be used to push data to many other online services that provide a https:// endpoint with a simple API key for authentication.
As MongoDB is a document based (noSQL) database, measurements are pushed as simple JSON objects as follows:
"source": "NMEA2K.c0a0b40010e111f6",
"context": "vessels.urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:100000001",
"path": "environment.wind.speedApparent",
"value": 0.56,
"time": { // eJSON time
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1666287376565"
"ver": "2", // any user defined tags are added as properties
"self": true, // 'tag as self' flag
"dt": 1666287376, // unix date-time in seconds
"mmsi": 100000001 // vessel mmsi derived from the signalK context
the full url to your cloud hosted MongoDB Atlas endpoint[your endpoint]
the secret MongoDB Atlas API Key for your cloud hosted database
some secret key
the HTTP method
the number of values to send in a single batch to the MongoDB Atlas endpoint
maximum time in seconds to keep points in an unflushed batch, 0 means don't periodically flush
maximum size of the buffer (this is recommended as a multiple of Batch Size to allow for items that may not have been able not be sent the first time)
maximum time to buffer data in seconds - older data is automatically removed from the buffer (i.e. and not sent)
tag measurements as {self: true} when from vessel.self - requires an MMSI or UUID to be set in the Vessel Base Data on the Server->Settings page
default tags added to every measurement
{name: 'my tag', value: 'true'}
these options are set per individual path, selected to send data from SignalK to MongoDB Atlas
enable writes to MongoDB Atlas for this path (server restart is required)
context to record e.g.'self' for own ship, or 'vessels.' for all vessels, or '' for everything
path to record e.g.'navigation.position' for positions, or 'navigation.' for all navigation data, or '' for everything
minimum milliseconds between data records
Define any tags to include for this path
{name: 'my path', value: '1234'}