#Ruby version 2.1.2
#System dependencies (gems):
rails 4.1.4 - Ruby on Rails framework
pg - Postgresql; databasing
sass-rails: Sass stylesheet language
uglifier: Javascript compressor
coffee-rails - Coffeescript adaptor in rails
coffee-script-source 1.8.0 - coffeescript rails
highcharts-rails 3.0.0 - Interactive chart creation in rails pipeline
bower-rails 0.9.2 - bower support in rails
therubyracer - V8 javascript interpreter
less-rails - Less stylesheet language for rails
twitter-bootstrap-rails - Twitter bootstrap in rails
morrisjs-rails - Morris.js for rails pipeline
raphael-rails - Raphael JS for rails
faraday - HTTP client lib that provides a common interface over many adapters and embraces the concept of Rack middleware when processing the request/response cycle
devise - authentication
omniauth-facebook 1.5.1 - Authentication for Facebook
koala 2.0 - Koala integration in rails
tzinfo-data - Timezone database
figaro - Configuration and security
jquery-rails - Jquery in rails
turbolinks - Rails optimization
jbuilder 2.0 - JSON building in rails
sdoc 0.4.0 - RDoc generator
spring - Rails preloader
rails_12factor - Simplification of Rails running
#Database creation
Database creation is handled through Rake. Type in this command:
rake db::migrate
#Database initialization
Database initialization is handled through Rake. Type in this command:
rake db::seed
#How to run the test suite
Run this command
rspec selenium.rb
From the test directory (/stock-dashboard/test/selenium)
#Deployment instructions
Deployment is handled on Heroku. Type in this command:
git push heroku master
to push to deployment environment