API Web Hook forwarding GET requests as XMLRPC calls for a HomeMatic system
Provides scripts to be used on your webserver.
The scripts will accept GET requests parameters, and issue an XMLRPC call to your HomeMatic CCU(2) for remote control functionality.
This works well with the IFTTT Makers Channel.
For now, it will only trigger the 50 virtual controls in the HomeMatic CCU(2).
You can use scripts in the HomeMatic to translate this into settings on your hardware. This keeps this scripts as simple as possible.
You need a web server where you can run Python or PHP scripts.
Port 2001 of your CCU has to be exposed to the internet. Look into your router manual to see how this is done. You can use another external port with Port Forwarding.
If you have a dynamic internet IP address, using a DynDNS service is recommended. Many routers also offer to manage this for you.
Using the Firewall functionality of your CCU is HIGHLY recommended, as otherwise everyone who sees that open port can issue commands to it! Set it up to only accept requests from you web server.
Copy the scripts to your webserver.
The Python script api.py is currently running as CGI. Changes may be required to run it with mod_python or FastCGI.
Upload the api.php AND the phpxmlrpc-src subdirectory to your webserver.
You can set the following parameters on a GET request:
- HomeMatic CCU2 address
- required
- accepted values: DNS name or IP address
- Channel to trigger
- required
- accepted values: numbers 1 to 50
- Protocol to use
- optional
- accepted values: http or https
- defaults to http if unset or unaccepted value
- Port to connect to
- optional
- accepted values: numbers 1 to 65534
- defaults to 2001 if unset or unaccepted value
- Keypress to trigger
- optional
- accepted values: PRESS_LONG & PRESS_SHORT
- defaults to PRESS_SHORT if unset or unaccepted value
- Handles IFTTT {{EnteredOrExited}} variable
- optional, overwrites "press" variable usage
- accepted values: entered, exited
- sets PRESS_SHORT for "entered" and PRESS_LONG for "exited"
- Handles IFTTT {{EnteredOrExited}} variable
- optional, overwrites "press" and "enterlong" usage
- accepted values: entered, exited
- sets PRESS_SHORT for "entered" and PRESS_LONG for "exited"
- Output parameters to user
- optional
- accepted values: any computational "true" value
example usage:
will create an XMLRPC call to http://my.dyndns.address:2001
triggering BidCoS-RF:21
When deploying the script, you can set the variable myHomematics at the top of the script to allow only specific HomeMatic target addresses. This way, your server cannot be used as a proxy for connecting to arbritary IP address and ports, e.g. to take part in an DoS attack, if someone would take notice of the script.
Usage is recommended.