Now that you're here, why don't you check out some of my projects?
(bigger projects where I am a core developer)
team-ocean / veros
— ⭐ 341
The versatile ocean simulator, in pure Python, powered by JAX.
DHI / terracotta
— ⭐ 715
A light-weight, versatile XYZ tile server, built with Flask and Rasterio 🌍
mpi4jax / mpi4jax
— ⭐ 462
Zero-copy MPI communication of JAX arrays, for turbo-charged HPC applications in Python ⚡
dionhaefner / pyhpc-benchmarks
— ⭐ 315
A suite of benchmarks for CPU and GPU performance of the most popular high-performance libraries for Python 🚀
dionhaefner / yahtzotron
— ⭐ 21
The friendly robot that beats you in Yahtzee 🤖 🎲
dionhaefner /
Repository for my personal homepage, hosted on GitHub Pages, created with Pelican.
dionhaefner / rogue-wave-discovery
— ⭐ 14
Code for the paper "Machine-Guided Discovery of a Real-World Rogue Wave Model" (Häfner et al., 2023)
dionhaefner / FOWD
— ⭐ 11
Processing framework for FOWD, a free ocean wave dataset, ready for your ML application 🌊
(one-off projects and everything else)
dionhaefner / cv
— ⭐ 4
My personal CV and résumé, auto-generated via GitHub Actions 📄
dionhaefner / bayesian-histograms
— ⭐ 28
Bayesian histograms for estimation of binary rare event rates, with fully automated bin pruning 📊
dionhaefner / dionsthesis
— ⭐ 9
Custom LaTeX2e documentclass for typesetting beautiful, modern theses.
dionhaefner / pgfcache
— ⭐ 13
LaTeX package for caching of PGF figures created with Matplotlib, just like tikz-externalize
dionhaefner / shallow-water
— ⭐ 16
Powerful shallow-water implementations in pure Python
dionhaefner / attractive
— ⭐ 3
Compute and plot beautiful Clifford Attractors 💫
dionhaefner / fly
— ⭐ 10
An interactive geophysical flow visualizer in Python.