NodeStrap is a Front-end / Back-end template using AngularJS, Twitter Bootstrap ,MongoDB and NodeJS with authentication system for building and deploy (Heroku ready) NodeJS apps in seconds.
- MongoDB
- Express
- NodeJS 0.10.x
- AngularJS
Clone the git repo - git clone
- or download it
Go to your nodeStrap folder and run npm
npm install
Change your server API URL at public/javascripts/services/user_services.js
var parseURL = "";
Start MongoDB
Run nodeJS
node app.js
Check at http://localhost:5000
You can try loggin in with admin / admin
- Security Authentication system
- Users CRUD
- Ready for Heroku deploy
- Include supports for redis and mysql / postgres
- Create a feature to remind the user password
- jQuery: MIT/GPL license
- Twitter bootstrap: Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
The Unlicense (aka: public domain)