All the known big skids in the com
Ziue - kid major faked his death has a massive ego never wrote a piece of code in his life
C0an - Claimed to have made the cb 1.8 but in the same msgs says he never said that
major L
ScoreboardAPI - well his skidded code is already on my git so that says it all scammed the man in teamspeak muted hit the lick on this monkey hide your glock white boy you ain't doing shit
Adam Lynch/Washur - Skidded minexd/hcrealms/ whatever you can think of he has done it the little retard we would all slip his sister the cock
Kaiting - Asking zion how to setup a botnet when its linux and I was on windows
funkemunky - Shit anti-cheats built off one another.
DaddyDombo - Buys code, renames it, and claims it as his own.
NotAccursed - Dishes out money for code and tries to re-sell it.
Asuka - Stole like $14,000 worth of code from someone and claimed it as his own code.
ItsNature - Skidded Verus & AntiGamingChair to make "Fallback" LOL
Sedge - Skidded Topu's HydrogenAPI and claimed it was FrozenOrb's and then tried to sell it.
Spoony - Skidded fucking essentials, array and couldn't figure out how to setup mongo
SIPHON11 - Major skid, never wrote a single line of code in his life and sells an $130 anticheat that can't even detect 3.01
EliteAres - Major skid claims because god made code we are all skids no you just sit and watch my github for uploads - also skidded frost
Cyanade - Major skid, skidded agc and never wrote a line of code without being babysitted like this shit (
rkid/rbuh - Major skid, all he does is copy pasta from mr GrowlyX
JoaoDev - Major 11 year old skid, tried to compile a broken plugin and doesn't know how to use maven.
Coccocoa's Helper - Major skid, can't even understand a line of code.
Antonio/9xaann - Major skidooo man skkided frost of all things spit on man and his girlfriends wrist as well the deep slits on them are sexy
Ekittn - Blud tried skidding HCRival's website, then blocked out the word "skid" on his discord server, what a clown. Most of his servers are premades bc he cant operate nor create servers on his own. 🤡🤣