StreamNetworkTools has been updated and assimiliated into MMASN package (
Rpackage: StreamNetworkTools Darin Kopp | [email protected]
Abstract: Understanding large scale processes in lotic ecosystems requires a requires a geospatial framework and set of tools designed characterize river networks. StreamNetworkTools uses the NHDPlusV2 dataset to delineate stream networks and characterize their physical and geomorphical attributes.
Purpose: an R package to derive covariates from NHDPlusV2 dataset and facilitate continental scale analyses of river networks.
Status: V1.0
Data Requirements: StreamNetworkTools works with NHDPlusV2. Users should become familiar with NHDPlusV2 documentation (
Installing StreamNetworkTools*
- install.packages(devtools)
- library("devtools")
- install_git("", subdir = "StreamNetworkTools")
- library(StreamNetworkTools)
- help(package="StreamNetworkTools") OR*
- download StreamNetworkTools_1.0.0.000.tar.gz from github
- install.packages (/StreamNetworkTools_1.0.0.000.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source") *if reinstalling after update, remember to:
- remove.packages("StreamNetworkTools")
- restart R
- repeat above
Figure 1: Workflow of StreamNetworkTools. Lines connecting boxes show relationships between functions. See StreamNetworkTools for descriptions. Variable descriptions Category Variable Definition StreamNetworkTools Function Basin Shape basin_len longest distance between two catchment verticies net_cat Basin Shape basin_area area of catchments net_cat Basin Shape basin_width efffective basin width (basin_area/basin_len) net_cat Topology WS.order strahler order for root node net_calc Topology head.h2o number of headwater reaches net_calc Topology trib.jun number of tributary junctions net_calc Topology reach.cnt number of reaches in network net_calc Topology diver.cnt count of divergent flow paths net_calc Topology AREASQKM drainage area (km^2) net_calc Topology LENGTHKM total lenght of network flow-lines (km) net_calc Topology drain.den drainage density (LENGTHKM / AREASQKM) net_calc Climate TEMPVC mean annual temperature (deg C) net_clim Climate seasonality_t Coefficient of variation of mean monthly temperatures net_clim Climate warm_mo 2-digit warmest month net_clim Climate warm_mo_t mean temperature of warmest month net_clim Climate cold_mo 2-digit coldest month net_clim Climate cold_mo_t mean temperature of coldest month net_clim Climate diff_t difference between warm and cold monthly temperatures net_clim Climate warm_q_t mean temperature of warmest quarter net_clim Climate warm_q 2-digit warmest quarter net_clim Climate cold_q_t mean temperature of coldest quarter net_clim Climate cold_q 2-digit coldest quarter net_clim Climate PRECIPVC cumulative mean annual precipiration (mm) net_clim Climate wet_mo 2-digit wettest month net_clim Climate wet_mo_p cumulative mean precipitation of wettest month net_clim Climate dry_mo 2-digit driest month net_clim Climate dry_mo_p cumulative mean precipitation of driest month net_clim Climate seasonality_p coefficient of vatiation of mean monthly precipitation net_clim Climate wet_q_p cumulaltive mean precipita-tion of wettest quarter net_clim Climate wet_q 2-digit wettest quarter net_clim Climate dry_q_p cumulative mean precipitation of driest quarter net_clim Climate dry_q 2-digit driest quarter net_clim Climate dry_q_t mean temperature of driest quarter net_clim Climate wet_q_t mean temperature of wettest quarter net_clim Climate warm_q_p cumulaltive mean precipita-tion of warmest quarter net_clim Climate cold_q_p cumulaltive mean precipita-tion of coldest quarter net_clim Topology trib_order order of COMID downstream of confluence net_conflu Topology area_ratio darinage areas ratios (i.e. Triburaty Drainage Area / Mainstem Drainage Area) net_conflu Topology trib_area drainage area upstream of confluence net_conflu Topology junction_num Concatenation of stream or-ders of confluence reaches net_conflu Topology alpha angle (degrees) of tributary junction net_conflu Topology complex indicates complex tributary junction net_conflu Flow RUNOFFVC cumulative mean annual run-off (mm) net_flow Flow MAQ0001E Mean Annual EROM discharge net_flow Flow minMMQ0001E minimum mean monthly dis-charge net_flow Flow max-MMQ0001E maximum mean monthly discharge (cf) net_flow Flow covMMQ0001E coefficient of variation of mean monthly discharge net_flow Flow V0001E mean annual velocity (cfs) net_flow Flow minMMV0001E minimum mean monthly ve-locity (cfs) net_flow Flow max-MMV0001E maximum mean monthly ve-locity net_flow Flow covMMV0001E coefficient of variation in mean monthly velocity net_flow Topology str_ord stream order net_hort Topology str_num count of stream reaches of specified order net_hort Topology str_len mean length of stream reach-es of specified order net_hort Topology str_area mean drainage area of stream reaches of specified order net_hort Topology ohm order of the network - 1 net_hort Topology Rb bifurcation Ratio net_hort Topology Rl length Ratio net_hort Topology Ra area Ratio net_hort Landcover NLCD2011 landcover percent-ages net_lc Planform tot.len length of reach net_sinu Planform str.len straight line length of reach net_sinu Planform sinuosity total length / straight line length net_sinu Planform MaxElevSM maximum elevation of reach net_sinu Planform MinElevSM minimum elevtion of reach net_sinu Planform SlopeNHDPlus slope of reach net_sinu
Error Log: Upon loading StreamNetworkTools: “package or namespace load failed for 'dplyr' in loadNamespace…” because of missing package “bindr” resolved with restarting R and install.packages(“bindr”) before loading StreamNetworkTools
NHDPlus stream Order Error: Group id = 17153302, vpu = 18 is listed as 4th order but contains 5th order network upstream. Error at Tributaty junction of COMID’s 17153404 (STREAMORDE = 3) and 948030237 (STREAMORDE = 5) yields 3 order stream, should be 5th order. Needs to be reported