Stable release
Change log:
- Now runs on Linux and Mac (client mode only)
- Fixed not working with PuTTY <=0.60
- Fixed ppk file not able to load when it has extended characters in the comment
- New Client mode - allows keys from KeePass to be loaded into an external SSH agent such as Pageant
- Added context help links to website
- Supports SSH1 keys - Thank you to maxlaverse for contributing time and code for this!
- Supports SSH2 ECDSA keys
- Supports OpenSSH key file format
- Supports loading keys from external files
- Supports selectively loading keys
- Supports automatically loading / unloading keys on database lock / unlock
The following apply to agent mode only:
- Supports requesting to unlock database when key is requested from client
- Supports locking / unlocking agent separately from locking / unlocking databases
- Supports most ssh-add commands
- Supports confirm and lifetime constraints