Discord Bot for Last Oasis
To add the bot to your discord: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=715948052979908911&permissions=2147552256&scope=bot%20applications.commands
Example: https://twitter.com/Dm94Dani/status/1293121001421705216
With this latest update, all commands are slash commands /
- /config = Shows all the info for the bot config (Only for admins or members with permissions)
- /configupdate = To update the bot configuration (Only for admins or members with permissions)
- /craft = With this command you can see the materials needed to make an item
- /createalliancelist = Create a list of allied clans. (Only for admins or members with permissions)
- /createenemylist = Create a list of enemy clans. (Only for admins or members with permissions)
- /createsettlerslist = Generate a list of clans that are settlers or NAPs. (Only for admins or members with permissions)
- /createtrade = To create a trade, has different parameters
- /createwalkerlist = Generates a list of clan walkers that are ready. (Only for admins or members with permissions)
- /editwalker = Edit the walker you want (Only for admins or members with permissions)
- /learned = Add the item to the list of learned items
- /linkserver = Link the discord server to the clan you are in. (Only for admins)
- /lohelp = Replies with commands info
- /loinfo = Bot info
- /recipe = Displays the list of recipes for that code
- /skilltree = Tells you who in your clan has learned that item.
- /tradesearch = To perform a search for trades, has different filters
- /vote = Information for voting and helping the bot
- /walkerinfo = Shows the information of a specific walker
- /walkersearch = To search for a walker or several walkers, has different filters