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Addressed issue with exponents in UCUM names. Fixes bjornbm#109.
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dmcclean committed Jan 7, 2019
1 parent 72b940b commit 70c8689
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Showing 2 changed files with 59 additions and 34 deletions.
82 changes: 49 additions & 33 deletions src/Numeric/Units/Dimensional/UnitNames/Internal.hs
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,15 +173,14 @@ asSimple n | isSimple n = weaken n
| otherwise = grouped n

evaluate :: (Group a) => UnitName' m a -> a
evaluate One = mempty
evaluate (MetricAtomic a) = a
evaluate (Atomic a) = a
evaluate (Prefixed p a) = p `mappend` a
evaluate (Product n1 n2) = evaluate n1 `mappend` evaluate n2
evaluate (Quotient n1 n2) = evaluate n1 `mappend` (invert $ evaluate n2)
evaluate (Power n x) = pow (evaluate n) x
evaluate (Grouped n) = evaluate n
evaluate (Weaken n) = evaluate n
evaluate = foldName $ UnitNameFold {
foldOne = mempty
, foldPrefix = mappend
, foldProduct = mappend
, foldQuotient = \n1 n2 -> n1 `mappend` (invert n2)
, foldPower = pow
, foldGrouped = id

evaluateMolecules :: (Group b) => (NameMolecule a -> b) -> UnitName' m a -> b
evaluateMolecules _ One = mempty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,13 +229,34 @@ eliminateRedundantPowers :: UnitName' m a -> UnitName' m a
eliminateRedundantPowers (Product n1 n2) = Product (eliminateRedundantPowers n1) (eliminateRedundantPowers n2)
eliminateRedundantPowers (Quotient n1 n2) = Quotient (eliminateRedundantPowers n1) (eliminateRedundantPowers n2)
eliminateRedundantPowers (Power One _) = One
eliminateRedundantPowers (Power (Power n x1) x2) = eliminateRedundantPowers (Power n (x1 P.* x2))
eliminateRedundantPowers n@(Power n' x) | x == 0 = One
| x == 1 = eliminateRedundantPowers n'
| otherwise = n
eliminateRedundantPowers (Grouped n) = Grouped (eliminateRedundantPowers n)
eliminateRedundantPowers (Weaken n) = Weaken (eliminateRedundantPowers n)
eliminateRedundantPowers n = n

distributePowers :: UnitName' m a -> UnitName' m a
distributePowers = \case
(Product n1 n2) -> Product (distributePowers n1) (distributePowers n2)
(Quotient n1 n2) -> Quotient (distributePowers n1) (distributePowers n2)
n@(Power _ _) -> go 1 n
(Grouped n) -> Grouped (distributePowers n)
(Weaken n) -> Weaken (distributePowers n)
One -> One
n@(Atomic _) -> n
n@(MetricAtomic _) -> n
n@(Prefixed _ _) -> n
go :: Int -> UnitName' m a -> UnitName' 'NonMetric a
go x (Product n1 n2) = Product (go x n1) (go x n2)
go x (Quotient n1 n2) = Quotient (go x n1) (go x n2)
go x (Power n x') = go (x P.* x') n
go x (Grouped n) = Grouped (go x n)
go x (Weaken n) = weaken (go x n)
go x n = Power (weaken n) x

ensureSimpleDenominatorsAndPowers :: UnitName' m a -> UnitName' m a
ensureSimpleDenominatorsAndPowers (Product n1 n2) = Product (ensureSimpleDenominatorsAndPowers n1) (ensureSimpleDenominatorsAndPowers n2)
ensureSimpleDenominatorsAndPowers (Quotient n1 n2) = Quotient (ensureSimpleDenominatorsAndPowers n1) (asSimple $ ensureSimpleDenominatorsAndPowers n2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,31 +497,26 @@ grouped :: UnitName' m a -> UnitName' 'NonMetric a
grouped = Grouped . weaken

ucumName :: (HasUnitName a) => a -> Maybe String
ucumName = ucumName' . unitName
ucumName = foldName f . fmap (nameComponent ucum) . ensureSimpleDenominatorsAndPowers . distributePowers . unitName
ucumName' :: UnitName m -> Maybe String
ucumName' One = Just "1"
ucumName' (MetricAtomic a) = nameComponent ucum a
ucumName' (Atomic a) = nameComponent ucum a
ucumName' (Prefixed p n) = (++) <$> nameComponent ucum p <*> nameComponent ucum n
ucumName' (Product n1 n2) = do
n1' <- ucumName' n1
n2' <- ucumName' n2
return $ n1' ++ "." ++ n2'
-- TODO: does one of these subexpressions require a grouping if it is itself a quotient? seems like it must
-- we did it at construction time, but if we are going to expose the constructors then we need to do it again.
ucumName' (Quotient n1 n2) = do
n1' <- ucumName' n1
n2' <- ucumName' n2
return $ n1' ++ "/" ++ n2'
-- TODO #109: note in this case that the UCUM is changing their grammar to not accept exponents after
-- as a result it will become necessary to distribute the exponentiation over the items in the base name
-- prior to generating the UCUM name
ucumName' (Power n x) = do
n' <- ucumName' n
return $ n' ++ show x
ucumName' (Grouped n) = (\x -> "(" ++ x ++ ")") <$> ucumName' n
ucumName' (Weaken n) = ucumName' n
f = UnitNameFold {
foldOne = Just "1"
, foldPrefix = liftA2 (++)
, foldProduct = \n1 n2 -> do
n1' <- n1
n2' <- n2
return $ n1' ++ "." ++ n2'
, foldQuotient = \n1 n2 -> do
n1' <- n1
n2' <- n2
return $ n1' ++ "/" ++ n2'
, foldPower = \n x -> do
n' <- n
return $ n' ++ show x
, foldGrouped = \n -> do
n' <- n
return $ "(" ++ n' ++ ")"

prefix :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> Prefix
prefix i a f = Prefix n
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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion tests/Numeric/Units/Dimensional/UnitNamesSpec.hs
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
module Numeric.Units.Dimensional.UnitNamesSpec where

import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.UnitNames
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.UnitNames.Internal (UnitName'(..), eliminateOnes, eliminateGrouping, eliminateRedundantPowers)
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.UnitNames.Internal (UnitName'(..), eliminateOnes, eliminateGrouping, eliminateRedundantPowers, distributePowers)
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.UnitNames.Atoms (atom)
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.UnitNames.Languages
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude hiding ((*), (/), product, weaken)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,9 +91,18 @@ spec = do
let n = name' $ (ampere D.* one D.^ pos3)
let n' = name' $ (ampere D.* one)
eliminateRedundantPowers n `shouldBe`n'
it "eliminates nested exponents" $ do
let n = name' $ ((meter D.^ neg1) D.^ pos2 D.* kilo gram)
let n' = name' $ (meter D.^ neg2 D.* kilo gram)
eliminateRedundantPowers n `shouldBe`n'
it "preserves other exponents" $ do
let n = name' $ (ampere D./ meter D.^ pos2)
eliminateRedundantPowers n `shouldBe`n
describe "with distributePowers" $ do
it "distributes powers to molecules" $ do
let n = name' $ liter D./ D.grouped ((kilo gram D.* meter) D.^ pos2)
let n' = name' $ liter D./ D.grouped (kilo gram D.^pos2 D.* meter D.^ pos2)
distributePowers n `shouldBe` n'
describe "Unit name formatting" $ do
it "formats atomic unit names" $ do
let n = name' ampere
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