- create ubuntu 22.04 vm with 8 GB of disk (ansible-vm)
- enter into it
- run:
su # to become root
cd ~ # to go to root's home dir (important!)
apt update
apt -y install git
git clone https://github.com/dmitru4ok/virtualization-project.git
cd virtualization-project/telecomms/shell
chmod +x Main.sh
- The script will ask you for your vm password (we agreed on it earlier) and 3 pairs of OpenNebula credentials.
- then ansible-vm long updating will start
- after that, it will create webserver-vm, client-vm, and db-vm and populate hosts file with VM private ips.
- file /misc/credentials.yaml will get populated by sudo pass for the machines, ON logins and passwords, as well as with DB VM private IP-address.
- ssh-keys will be added to the machines
- 3 ansible playbooks will run configuring the app
- after config is done, script will open the page of webapp in w3m browser through ssh on client-vm
1.Open VNC in OpenNebula 2.Type
sudo -E weston
- Click on console
- Type
google-chrome-stable --ozone-platform=wayland --no-sandbox