This is a prototype for migrating the current alloytools website to hugo. You can see the current prototype website here.
Alloytools is currently on jekyll. Jekyll is very difficult to set up, especially if you're not on Linux. Hugo, by contrast, comes in precompiled binaries per OS. All you need to do is download the appropriate binary and you're good to go. This way you can run the site locally and test for changes
The migration blocker, as discussed in the (May?) Alloyboard meeting, is that Jekyll natively integrates with Github pages, making it easy to deploy. To address this, we set up a github action on the official repo. After every merge to master, the action will build the site and put the html files in the gh-pages
branch. Build times are typically less than 30 seconds.
Download the appropriate hugo extended for your OS. Currently, this is hugo_extended_0.87.0
(We need hugo extended because we ported over SASS CSS files from the old site)
First clone the repo:
git clone
Then, while in the repo root folder, download the ananke theme:
git submodule add themes/ananke
git submodule init
git submodule update
You can create a local instance of the site with
./hugo_binary serve
It will automatically update whenever you save a change to a file. If you just want to build the site without running a local dev server, just do
- Explain layout of hugo folder
- Explain drafts
- Explain shortcodes