I am not actively maintaining this project - if you'd like to maintain it / keep it going PLEASE LET ME KNOW
asana2flowdock relays asana events into flowdock. like this:
it currently works around asana's lack of webhooks by keeping a teeny sqlite database of local state: a cursor of which messages have been relayed, and which have not. when polling asana for updated tasks it uses this knowledge to limit the result set via the 'last_modified' support they provide for querying a project's tasks.
this combination allows the amount of polling and data transfered to be kept to a minimum.
to install it do:
gem install asana2flowdock
to get going you'll need a configuration file created. asana2flowdock will store it's config file in ~/.asana2flowdock/config.yml, to create one simply do:
asana2flowdock config
this should spawn your editor and let you configure both your asana and flowdock tokens, and also set the workspace in asana you want to pull activity from. if this fails for any reason you really just need to create a config file like so:
# file: ~/.asana2flowdock/config.yml
token: yer_asana_api_token
workspace: dojo4.com # probably should be you asana workspace name ;-)
token: your_flowdock_api_token
after that, you only need run
~> asana2flowdock
to begin relaying messages from asana, to flowdock. to run this command in daemon mode you will want to do things like:
~> asana2flowdock daemon start
~> asana2flowdock daemon pid
~> asana2flowdock daemon tail
~> asana2flowdock daemon stop
to learn more type
~> asana2flowdock help
# OR
~> asana2flowdock daemon usage
email to : [email protected] for help, feedback, or if you want help setting this up for your flowdock/asana accounts.