- Bucharest, Romania
GenAI backed AI Agents to help with anything IxNetwork. Automation, Datasheets, General Information and much more.
hellt / vrnetlab
Forked from vrnetlab/vrnetlabMake VM-based Network OSes run in Containerlab
Code for paper "FairytaleQA Translated: Enabling Educational Question and Answer Generation in Less-Resourced Languages"
Download submissions from a HackerRank contest and sort them according to programming languages
This project aims at implementing an hardware accelerator peripheral for SHA256 hashing algorithm with AXI4 interfacing with PicoRV32 CPU. The project focuses on multiple implementations of the acc…
Hardware implementation of the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function
Public repo, which contains skeletons and tests for SO assignments
Accelerated demonstrator of electromagnetic Particle Transport
agheata / AdePT
Forked from apt-sim/AdePTAccelerated demonstrator of electromagnetic Particle Transport
Verilog implementation of the symmetric block cipher AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) as specified in NIST FIPS 197. This implementation supports 128 and 256 bit keys.
EPFL summaries & cheatsheets over 5 years (computer science, communication systems, data science and computational neuroscience).
A fractal generator in C (written for CodeDay Houston 2015)
Wyliodrin STUDIO is a Chrome based IDE for software and hardware development in IoT and Embedded Linux